Muslim dynasties which ruled the world

  • 632


    The Khulafa e Rashideen were the companions of the Prophet who became the caliphs after the death of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The names of them are
    Hazrat Abu bakr
    Hazrat Umar
    Hazrat Uthman
    Hazrat Ali.
    They expanded the muslim empire and fought the enemies of Islam.
    More and more people accepted Islam during their rule. They ruled fairly and spread peace across the muslim empire.
  • 661

    The Ummayads

    The Ummayads
    The dynasty was established by Amir Muawiya (RA). It expanded the muslim territories within a century of its coming to power. It had many strong leaders like Muhammad Bin Qasim and Ziyad bin Tariq who conquered Sindh and teh strait of Gibraltar respectively. This period saw great growth as knowledge, science, arts, architecture and scholarship were patronized. Arabic was made the state language.The dynasty in the middle east came to an end in 750 and the rule in Spain came to an end in 1942.
  • 750

    The Abbasids

    The Abbasids
    They moved their government to Iraq and made Baghdad their capital. The 2 most prominent rulers were Haroon-al-Rasheed and and his son Mamoon. Their time period came to be known as th golden age of Islam. Mamoon establsihed the house of wisdom known as Bait ul Hikmah. The muslim made great contributions in Mathematics and science. The dynasty came to an end after the attack of of the mongols under Halagu khan. They destroyed Baghdad, killed people and destroyed the libraries.
  • 910

    The Fatimids

    The Fatimids
    They were based in Egypt. They made their capital, Cairo. Their empire stretched from eastern Arabia and Syria in the East to Egypt and northern Africa up to Morocco in the West.
  • 1037

    The Seljuqs

    The Seljuqs
    They were of Turko-Persian origin, and were mainly based in Turkey. Their empire covered Turkey, Uzbekistan, the Persian Gulf, and Oman
  • 1169

    The Ayubids

    The Ayubids
    The dynasty was founded by Nuruddin Zengi, and was based in Syria; its most famous ruler was Salahuddin al-Ayubi, known for his chivalry and generosity.
  • 1250

    The Mamluks

    The Mamluks
    Mamluk means slave in Arabic; this dynasty came into being under rulers of Turks and Mongols origin, after the death of Salahuddin. Their empire covered Syria, Palestine and Egypt.
  • 1299

    The Ottomans

    The Ottomans
    The Ottoman empire lasted for 600 years. It spread from Turkey to South-east Europe, western Asia, North Africa and to Azerbaijan in the East. The empire was ruled by 36 sultans. The most famous of them were Mehmet II and Suleiman. The Ottoman empire was huge in terms of size. The empire was one of the world's foremost powers. It gradually started to decline because of weak rulers and power struggles.
  • 1501

    The Safavids

    The Safavids
    It was founded by Shah Ismail I of Azerbaijan. The rule started 25 years before the start of the Mughals in India. Shah Tahmasp I, ruled for 52 years and was longest ruling Safavid monarch. Shah Abbas was the greatest Safavid ruler. They are also known for making Shia Islam the religion of the state.