Jan 1, 1299
The founding of the Ottoman Empire
Founded by Oghuz turks under Osam I in Northwestern Anatolia, the Ottoman Empre had risen. -
Apr 20, 1368
Ming Dynasty
Mind dynasty was founded by Zhu Yuangzhang. -
Apr 20, 1368
Construction of the greatb wall of China begins -
Apr 20, 1406
Ming Dynasty
Construction begins in beijing on the Imperial city. -
Apr 20, 1413
Major Battles
Bayezid's sons fight for control, in 1413 Mehmed wins and reunites the empire. -
Apr 20, 1453
Major Economic Events
Under Mehmeds reign, Istanbul becomes a political, cultural, and economic center. Mosques, bazars, roads, inns, and baths are built. Non muslims must now pay a special tax. -
Apr 20, 1500
Major religious changes
Safavids convert to Shi'sm. -
Apr 20, 1501
The Safavid Empire Begins
The safavid empire was founded by Shah Ismail. -
Apr 20, 1504
Terriorty conquered in the Mogul empire
Babur captures Khabul and eastern afghanistan and starting one of the first posessions of the mogul empire. -
Apr 20, 1514
Major battles in the safavid empire
The battle of the Chaldrian takes place and Isma'il fight over religion. -
Apr 20, 1526
The begining of the Mogul Empire
Founded by Babur in 1526. -
Apr 20, 1555
Major Battles in the Mogul Empire.
A civil war within India enables Humayun to to win a battle at Sirhind and recover the Mogul throne.