Music Proyect.

  • Period: 504 to 604

    caracteristic of the gregorian chant

    -It has a monophonic texture, without instrumental accompaniment.
    -It uses a modal scales and is in free time to help to comunicate the meaning of the text.
    -The text is in latin with a rerligious theme.
    -It's performed by male voices and alternatives between a soloist and the choir, or between two choirs.
  • Period: 600 to

    Compositional forms in the barroque period

    SECULAR VOCAL MUSIC: romance, villancico and ensalada
    INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: fugue, suite, sonata and concerto
    RELIGIOUS VOCAL FORMS: cantata, oratorio and passion
  • Period: 601 to 801

    The Roman Catholic Church

    the roman catholic church complied its liturgical plainsongs. We call this musical repertoire Gregorian Chant.
  • 801

    Liturgical polyphony

    A second voice was added to plainsong and polyphony was born
  • Period: 801 to 900

    Secular vocal music

    -It has a monophonic texture, but with instrumental accompaniment.
    -It uses modal scales and rhythmic modes.
    -It's designed for fun or entertaniment.
    -It's perfomed by male and female voices.
  • Period: 992 to 1050

    Guido d'Arezzo

    Was a teacher in the cathedral school in Adrezzo, Italy. As well as inventing the guidonian hand, he created the four lines stave and gave the notes the names that we still use today. To do this, he used a hymn dedicated. He didn't take in account the note "Si", because in those times people thought that this note belonged to the devil.
  • May 20, 1033

    written signed by Guido d' Arezzo

  • Period: 1089 to 1179

    Hildegard Von Bigned

    was a german run, writer, scientist and composer. From an earlyage, she experienced mystics visions and she said that these visions were accompanied bu music. She composed a total of 78 liturgical pieces of music for her congregation, grouped together in the Shymponya Armoniae Celestium Revelationumn and the first surviving liturgical drama. Hildelgard said that singing was a manifestation of the divine spirit of humanity..
  • 1201

    Mensural notation

    Started to be used at the end of the 13th century
  • 1201

    First symbols of the Mensural notation

    -Organun: it's the earliest form. the main voice was a Gregorian melody and a second, parallel voice was aded.
    -Discantus: it appear later. A new voice was added to the Gregorian melody thet moved in contrary motion.
    -Conductus: it was a nez composition for two or four voices. The same textwas sung by all the voices, with the same rhythm, in the syllabic style.
  • Period: 1201 to 1300


    In the middle ages, there were also goliards, who were wandering clerics or medicant students. In the 13th century there were lots of them. Many goliards wrote poetry in latin, wich was often satirical or critical of the church and those who had more power. Carmina Burana is a famous collection of this type of compositions and the manuscript dates back to the 12th and 13th centurie.s
  • 1300


    Three main forms
    -Motet: it already existed in Middle Ages.This form becamemore important,religious and included more parts
    -Mass: it was a long composicion with liturgical texts,written in latin. It was based on the fixed parts of the religious ceremony
    -Chorale:it was the most common musical form in the protestant liturgy. It was based on pre-existing melodies sung in the vernacular with a simple texture and an AAB structure
  • 1300


    -ITALY: madrigal
    -ENGLAND: numerous songs for one voice with instrumental accompaniment were written.
    -FRANCE: chason.
    -SPAIN: -Romance: popular poetic ballads that told both true and fictional stories. -Villancico:it had popular origins,its name come from the tunes that peasants sang in the villages. -Ensalada:this composition was a combination of differents forms, languages and polyphonic textures.
  • 1400


    -Copositions based on vocal music: instrumentalist, who usually accompanied vocal pieces, used these as a base for instrumental works
    -compositions with an improvisational feel: composersstarted to write down any brief improvised pieces that were of good musical quality
    -variations: it consisted of the exposition of a short musical theme followed by some variations on it,in Spain it was called diferencias
  • Period: 1400 to


    The distinction between religious and secular music continued.Characteristics:
    -It was composed for several parts
    -It was composed using medieval modal scales
    -It had a defined and regular rhythm
  • Basso continuo

    It is a kind of accompaniment that consits on chords and the base melody performed by a harpsichord or an organ. Frecuently the base melody appears reinforced by a lower instrument, like double bass, for example.
  • Baroque instrumental music

    Became more important thanks to tecnical developmentsin instruments and the work of the luthiers. Another important reason was that performances start to specialise and the firts virtuosos appeard.
  • Religious vocal music in the baroque

    Cantataa. consisted of a sequence of recitatives, arias and choruses
    oratorio: was similar to opera, but with a religious plot, a narrator and a large choir.
    Passion. similar to oratorio but related only the death and passion of Christ
  • Opera in the Baroque

    The opera is a secular vocal form that aimed to revive classical Greek theatre. It first appard in Italy as along narrative composition, performed on stage.
  • Period: to


    It started with the appearance of opera and ended with the death of Johann Sebastian Bach.
    In this period instrumental music became just as important as vocal music and the first works written for the orchestra appeared
  • Period: to

    Characteristics of Baroque music

    -Aimed to arouse emotions
    -Spectacular performance
    -Diatonic scales
    -Mechanical rythm
  • Opera is born
    -Overture: introduction
    -Interlude: gives time for scene changes
    -Recitative: helps to tell the story. Semi-sung part.
    -Aria: soloists sing, expressive melodies
    -Chorus: all the singers sing
  • Period: to


    The most important composers are Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven
    Between the early Modern period and the late Moder period, which started in 1789
    -the age of the Enlightenment: it was a reforminst movement of the 18 century, defended de use of the "light"
    -The First Industrial Revolution: in the 18 century appeared the Machinery started be used
    -Neoclassicism: the name of the music in the classical period

    Opera seria Christoph Willibald Gluck with 3 acts structure mythological or history plots
    Opera buffa Mozart in Naples It used every situations for its plots added comedy or romace and the lenguage that was easy to understad

    consists in 4 movements:
    -Exposition: (A) two main themes. Theme A and the Theme B have a Coda and a bridge
    -Development (B)
    -Reexposition (A´) repetition of the exposition final coda
    -Minuet: ABA theme a and b
    -Rondo:ABACA theme a which alternate swith diferent episodes or verses(B,C)
    -Theme and variations AA1A2A3 theme A with some variationsç
    the harpsichord and the basso continuo stopped be used and the clarinet, French horn and the piano be incorporated
  • Bach dies. Baroque finishes.

  • Vocal Music

    -In Italy: giochiano, Gaetano and Vincenzo, they were the most famous composers of bel canto. Giacomo represented a movement from the end of the 19 century called verismo.
    -In France: Giacomo and Jacques composers in Paris. meyebeer create the grand opera. Offenbach, create the operetta.
    -In Germany: Rychard started to use techniques like infinite melody, with hardly any breaks, or the leitmotiv.
  • Period: to

    The Romantic Period

  • Compositions for piano

    Short pieces for solo piano: they were simple and free musical structure. Aimed to show the virtuosity of the performers
    Chamber music: was performed in concert halls or private concerts, was also played in duets, trios, quartets and quintets with other string and wind instruments
    Longer works: included concertosfor piano and orchestra
  • Music in the romantic period

    It is characterised by:
    Wanting to be free from Classical rules
    Aiming for the virtuosity
    Melody is an important mean of expression
    Using a wider vocabulary on scores
    Use melody-dominated homophony
    aim the uniy in the piece of music
  • Zarzuela

    There were two distintics typees of zarzuela:
    -Zarzuela grande: in three acts, had a large amount of choruses and more singing than spoken.
    -Genenro chico:ad just one act, fewer characters and more spoken text tnah singing
  • Lied

    Is a poem set to simple music, accompained by the piano, which aims to reinforce the contets of the text. It was composers by the german composers, like: Schubert, Schumanm, and other ones.
  • Romantic dance and ballet

    Out side of the teatres, court dances were subsituted for ballroom dances. Of these dances, the waltz became very popular. specially in Vienna.
  • Nacionalism

    -Russia: there were composers like, Borodin, Mussorgsky, Rimski-Korsakov and Cesar Cui
    -Hungary: composers like Bela Bartok, he started ethnomusicology, a science dedicated to the study of folk and word music
    -Spain: with Felipe Pedrell whose writting had a big influence on musical nacionalism. In the 20 century, composers such us: Manuel, Isaac...

  • the movements on the 20 century

    20 century had a lot of movements
    1º half impressionism, expressionism, atonality and the 20-tone, neoclassicism and
    2º halfs aleatoric music musique concrete minimal music and electronic music
    evolution of the music on the 20 century
  • International events

  • Period: to

    the 20 century

    most important events that happened in this century were
    Technological advances like computers internet radio cinema or tv
    The main international conflicts were Naci Holocaust Wall Street Crash in NY or dictatorial regimes like the fascism of Hitler
    The 20 century was marked by the following international events First World War Second World War Russian revolution or Cold War
    The arts in this century were a multitude of movements Impressionism Expressionism Cubism Futurism Dadaism and Surrealism