Munich Giver vocab

  • Recollection

    Definition- a memory; something remembered or recalled
    Example sentence- I have just remembered that last summer I met chase In the park and he had mentioned something about going to my school.
    Synonym- memory
  • Profound

    Definition- intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge
    Example sentence- As jake raised his hand he left out a jumble of words not even the te teacher had understood all about the evolution of a whale.
    Synonym- intelligent
  • Prestige

    Definition- status or influence; importance based on reputation
    Example sentence- After watching a youtuber named Eva, Melissa decided to go vegan so that she could live a healthier and better lifestyle
    Synonym- influencer
  • Sheepish

    Definition- shy; bashful
    Example sentence- As the little girl walked into the classroom she quickly ran behind her mother.
    Synonym- quiet
  • Serenely

    Definition- peacefully and calmly
    Example sentence- Whenever I walk into yoga I get a breeze of serenely.
    Synonym- content
  • Avert

    Definition- turn away
    Example sentence- When the little girl gets embarrassed she turns her head away.
    Synonym- embarrassed
  • Hasty

    Definition-hurried and rush
    Example sentence- When I heard the second bell ring I became very hasty.
    Synonym- fast
  • Indolence

    Definition- laziness
    Example sentence- When ever I come home from school I become very indolence.
    Synonym- lazy
  • Requisitioned

    Definition- to demand or take
    Example sentence- The toddler requisitioned that she must have the fairy princess doll
    Synonym- demand
  • Unnerving

    Description- unsettling and unsetting
    Example sentence- It was very unnerving when the teacher did called on the student to read aloud her essay and everyone started to laugh
    Synonym- losing confidence
  • Conspicuous

    Definition- noticeable; easy to see
    Example sentence- The note was very conspicuous to the teacher so she ran over and snatched it out of the students hands.
    Synonym- noticeable
  • Self-consciously

    Definition- uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed
    Example sentence- The girl was very self-conscientious about her body
    Synonym- embarrassment
  • Tentatively

    Definition- uncertainty and hesitantly
    Example sentence- The student was very tentatively about her essay and she was not certain she would get a good grade on it.
    Synonym- uncertain
  • Torrent

    Definition-swift- flowing stream of something
    Example sentence- The torrent river moved the beach ball at a high speed.
    Synonym- flowing
  • Obsolete

    Definition- no longer useful
    Example sentence- The toy car was obsolete after all of its wheels broke off.
    Synonym- useless
  • Unwieldy

    Definition- difficult to carry or handle
    Example sentence- The table was unwieldy for the twelve year old girl.
    Synonym- heavy
  • Wincing

    Definition- shrinking back involuntarily
    Example sentence- The girls face was winicing after she smelt the babyś full diaper.
    Synonym- disgusted face
  • Fretful

    Definition- uneasy or distressed
    Example sentence- As the boy entered the classroom the teacher informed them that there test was today and he became very fretful because he did not study.
    Synonym- distressed
  • Admonition

    Definition- warning
    Example sentence- The teacher gavde an admonition to the student because she would not stop talking.
    Synonym- threat
  • Relinquished

    Definition- gave up or let go
    Example sentence- THe student have relinquished on the test because the question were to hard.
    Synonym- give up