Miranda's Multimodal Literacy Narrative

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    My mom has always complained about the volume on the tv, that it is too loud. At a young age I learned to read subtitles so I can understand the movie or show without having the volume all the way up. This created a good literacy practice such as reading as a young kid.
  • Diary

    As a kid I loved writing in my diary. I thought it was cool to keep my secrets locked up in a diary. This created a good literacy practice such as reading and writing as a young kid.
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    I love music. I listen to music to manage my moods. To sing a song, you must learn the lyrics and that includes a literacy practice such as reading.
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    Social Media

    Social Media plays a big role in literacy. To post and keep up with everyones post, you must know to read and write.
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    As a varsity cheerleader and basketball player, you must know the concept of reading and writing. For example, to learn the words of a cheer you must know how to read. To run the plays created in basketball you must know how to read and understand the situation you're in to know whether the play will work or not.