History of Multicultural Education

By stracey
  • "Learning Disability" referenced

    "Learning Disability" referenced
    The term "Learning Disability" was referenced in 1963 by Samuel Kirk at a conference for adolescent education. By 1964 the group now known as Learning Disabilities Association of America was beginning to form under its original name Association for Children with Learning Disabilities.
  • First Public Bilingual US School

    First Public Bilingual US School
    In 1963 after the Cuban Revolution, an elementary school in Miami adapted to the influx of new Cuban immigrants. Coral Way Elementary begins the first bicultural and bilingual teaching curriculumn.
  • ESEA

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act occurs. This begins the Title I and bilingual education systems.
  • Bilingual Education Act

    Bilingual Education Act
    Congress enacted the requirement of all schools to provide bilingual education systems. This was the first time the type of system was federally funded.
  • Epperson V. Arkansas

    Epperson V. Arkansas
    This appeal brings to court the "anti-evolution" position of Arkansas adopted in 1928. Which the court ruled was in violation of the 1st and 14th amendment.
  • Humanism and Open Education

    Humanism and Open Education
    The Open Classroom is published to promote Humanism and Open Education in the standard classroom setting. This presents a more anthropocentric approach.
  • Diana V. California State Board

    Diana V. California State Board
    The IQ tests used to place students in Educably Mentally Retarded curriculum were not based on the student's primary language. State law enacted the evaluation of child's history, culture and academia be considered.
  • Indian Education Act

    Indian Education Act
    The comprehensive federally mandated legislation addresses American Indian and Alaska native needs. This act is later connected with the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
  • Equal Educational Opportunities

    Equal Educational Opportunities
    This act promoted education free of discrimination and inequality. The subsequent years held court rulings to hinder barriers to the ordinance of this act.
  • Apple Produces Learning Games

    Apple Produces Learning Games
    Apple generates the personal computer. The computer allows students to learn through computer games such as Oregon Trail and Odell Lake.