Web design for Educators taken with Instructor Jim Erbe through UNI. I learned HTML coding and the basics of web design. Mugan's Biology Page was born. -
Period: to
How I developed Blended Learning in my classroom
Honoring great students via my website. -
Second web design course.@ UW STOUT
Advanced web design for teachers. I learned to use Adobe DreamWeaver. A site for my advanced course was constructed. -
Development and maintenance of Mugans Biology Page
Much learning from internet sources occured. Web design practices and strategies and many tools such as embedding RSS feeds, videos, and dynamic effects are all investigated and employed. -
Many refinements aid progression
Refinements make the schedule more readable<BR>Mugans Biology Page circa 2006<BR>Quote of the day feed is added. -
Begin Masters Degree coursework
Masters work - testing blended learning
A causal comparison study was undertaken to investigate the effects of web based instructional materials on the attitude and learning of Sophomore Biology students. One unit was taught to three classes as blended learning while the same material was taught to two control classes using more traditional methodologies. -
Flood of 2008 - all life is on hold
In class testing
Masters degree completed
Videos and Twitter feeds are added
Mugans Biology Page circa 2009<BR>
Twitter feed from 2009 is no longer functional... -
Some units are taught as blended units
Blended units are isolated and disjointed events -
Extended absence = students need to be self sufficient
I would miss school from December 2nd until after Chrismas Break to be in Iowa City with my daughter as she had surgery... A blended unit was developed to guide my students in my absence. -
Full switch to Blended Learning
Students assist in improvements
Student Teacher Blends a unit - provides insight!
Teacher/parent assists with improvements
Former Co-teacher visits, provides insight
Curriculum director visits and provides insight
All units reworked to reflect my learning
Quizzes added for guidance, accountability.
End of year survey
Entire website reworked for iPAD!
I never had thought that my site would need to be fully reworked - but when I found out that we were going 1to1 iPADS, I needed to make sure Mugans Biology Page would work well on one of these tablets! -
Second year of full blended learning
Goals added to all topics and stages
Goals and objectives offer students specific expectations for their work. -
Added Human Evolution Unit
Presented at iPadU in Cedar Rapids
Investigating strategies to use during increased classtime
Vocab, games, videos, verbal quizzes. What effective learning strategies can I use during the classtime that I have freed up with blended learning? -
Formative quizzes include wrong answer feedback
A fellow science teacher suggests using the "feedback" fields of my quizzes to direct those students who answered questions incorrectly. -
iPad UPDATE inactivates embedded videos!!!!!
All videos become nonfuctional on an iPad after the latest iPad update... AAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!! -
Presentation AEA267 Regional 1:1 Conference
"The development of a blended classroom in a high school biology course will be detailed. Participants will interact with the exact blended learning system that the presenters students encounter in class so bring your iPad / moble device and be ready to go to work! -
All videos fixed to reflect new embed code
Early in the fall of 2013, an iPad update made all of the videos on Mugan's BIology Page completely inactive on an iPad. It took several months to completely fix the problem... -
Blended Presetation IA 1:1 institute in Des Moines
Took course: "Project Based learning in the Flipped Classroom"
Took course: "Project Based learning in the Flipped Classroom" through UW Stout. -
Took a course in Gamification
Took Course: Instructional Design
Instructional design course has given me many ideas for improvements that are needed for Mugan's Biology Page's blended learning program! -
iPadU 2014
Blended Learning Presentation at iPadU in Cedar Rapids. My second presentation at iPadU! -
Online Internship fosters my ability to guide online students
Earned Graduate Certificate in Online and E-Learning UW Stout
Added Animal Behavior unit
iPadU 2015
Q&A with Buerman as well as intro presentation -
Starting 5th year focused on Blended Learning!
5 years full of learning. For my students and for me! -
Learning with Technology Conference AEA267
Benefits of Blended Learning Presentation! -
Period: to
Constant Curation
Biodiversity Unit added
A full unit on Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi is developed and rolled out! -
Constant maintenance and improvement
Always fixing broken links, reworking quizzes, or building new blended units! Always something to learn! -
Blended Presetations Iowa 1:1 institute in Des Moines
Mobile Design Course
How to develop a site specifically for a mobile device. -
ITEC presentations
Iowa 1:1 Institute Presentation Des Moines
Begin to use ScreenCastify
Wartburg College Presentations to Teacher Ed Classes
2nd Iowa 1:1 Institute Presentation Des Moines
Addition of COVID-19 details (viruses, vaccines, misconceptions)
HOME FOR COVID - Much easier with online component.
Flash Player is discontinued. All Flash elements and links must be updated.
Infusion of "EdPuzzle" video quizzes failure.
Reformat site to eliminate EdPuzzle quizzes