Messenger arives with news
Of princes coming to stay -
Claudio confeses his love for Hero
to DO Pedro and Don John hears -
Bennedick and Beatrice don't like each other
Masquarade party - Beatrice calls Bennedick a 'jester' -
Don John, Conrade and Barachio make plan
Barachio and Magaret will pretend to be Hero - Claudio and DOn Pedro will see and accuse Hero of being impure at their wedding -
Leonato, Claudio and Don Pedro - Ursula, Hero and Magaret convince Betarice and Benendick that they like each other
Don John convices Claudio and Don Pedro that Hero is disloyal
Sees Magaret with Barachio in the window -
Dogberry and Verges overhear Barachio and Conrade talking about 'Hero' plan
They lock them up -
Wedding (Claudio and Hero)
Claudio shames Hero in the middle of the service - Friar Francis suggests that Hero fake her death -
Beatrice convinces Benendick to kill Claudio
for her love -
Barachio and Conrade convicted of 'killing' Hero
Don John flees Mesina -
Heros funeral
Leonato and Antonio confront Claudio and Don Pedro
Bennedick challenges Claudio
Leonato tells Claudio to mourn at Heros funeral
Marry Antonios other daughter the next day -
Find out Hero is falsley accused
Bennedick confesses his love for Beatrice to himself by sonnet -
Wedding #2
Claudio marries Antonios daughter, although it is actually Hero
Bennedick and Beatrice confess they're love for each other
Don John is captured