Mt st helens pic

Mt. St helens

  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    Mt St Helens has been dormant for 100 years.
  • 12:30

    small explosion heard
  • 12:40

    the USGS gets word of explosion
  • 10:30 am

    people still working
  • 12:30

    monitoring equipment installed
  • 2:00

    roadblocks put in place and 40 citizens evacuated
  • Discovery of bulge

    scientist discover the bulge in the mountain.
  • Bulge grows

    the bulge continues to swell
  • 5:00 pm

    trembles are felt
  • Bulge still growing

    Bulge still growing
  • Issues with residents

    residnets gather near roadblock wanting to go in
  • 8:30 am

    8:30 am
    plane flies over to observe
  • 8:32 am

    8:32 am
    whole mountain explodes due to 5.1 earthquake
  • 8:33 am

    two more huge blast
  • 8:34 am

    8:34 am
    huge cloud seen
  • 8:38

    people everywhere lost in ash
  • 8:40 am

    shock wave hits
  • 8:55 am

    8:55 am
    ice caps melts (lahar)
  • 9:01 am

    ash is 20 miles in the air
  • 9:06 am

    helicopter fly over looking for people to rescue
  • 9:45 am

    ash cloud blown east
  • 10:10

    ash cloud reaches a farther city in Washington
  • 12:00 pm

    mountain has been erupting for 3 hours now
  • 5:30 pm

    5:30 pm
    200 square miles of forest now destroyed
  • Aftermath

    ash is now as far as Oklahoma
  • Another eruption

    Mt St Helens erupts again but not to the degree before
  • Rescue

    bodies are still being found and rescued
  • New Beginnings

    New Beginnings
    first tree is planted