Mt. St. Helen's Eruptions

  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    Mt. St. Helen's had been dormant for 123 years. Then a small eruption took place.
  • Warning Sign

    Warning Sign
    Scientists said that this small eruption meant that a bigger one would be coming soon.
  • Failed Evacuation

    Failed Evacuation
    They tried to get people to stay away from the volcano, but managed the opposite. More tourist started coming to get a better look at the volcano.
  • The Bulge

    The Bulge
    Scientist discover a massive bulge forming on Mt. St. Helen's.
  • The Bulge Grows

    The Bulge Grows
    As the bulge gets bigger scientists establish a red zone.
  • Second Earthquake

    Second Earthquake
    Another earthquakes happens.
  • People Come Home.

    People Come Home.
    People that had to leave their homes were angry they hadn't been aloud to go back yet; especially since nothing seemed to be happening. They are aloud to go home for two days.
  • Mount St. Helens Erupts

    Mount St. Helens Erupts
    A 5.1 earthquakes sets off the eruption. The northwest side of the volcano crumbles, there is a lot of ash, and pyroclastic flow. The amount of ash makes it hard to breath, and it spreads far beyond the volcano. The heat from the volcano melts the ice caps as well causing a mudslide (also called a lahar).
  • Rescue

    The next day people are still being rescued, and you could start to see the damage that was caused. There were little to no trees left standing afterwards.
  • Second Eruption

    Second Eruption
    Mount St. Helens erupted again, but this eruption was not as bad.
  • The First Tree

    The First Tree
    Almost a year later the first tree is planted after the eruption.
  • Memorial is Built

    Memorial is Built
    A memorial was built to honor those who die during the eruption.
  • Reunion

    20 years later the survivors and rescue team from Mount St. Helens have a reunion.