Period: to
MSC Project
Research Proposal
New Academic Year at DIT - new challenges and expectations -
Ethics Committee - first attempt to get the clearance
This was the first ( unsuccesful ) attempt to get the clearance from the Ethics Committee at DIT - I was requested to clarfy few things and send some more forms -
Literature Review
First Literature review and revisiting my Research Question -
Ethics Committee - #2
Another go at the Ethics Committee - this time again insufficuent information on my project resulted in rejection of my application -
Finally the approval from he Ethics C.
After a few months of correspondence, a great help from my supervisor, I managed to get the approval just before Christmas. -
First part of data collection - online questionnaires -
Implementation Phase
The implementation phase started - my artefact was finally in use -
Teachers' Logs collected
Focus Group
Focus Group with 4 students took place, data was recorded, then transcribed and analysed -
Data Analysis
First draft of the paper
Drafing findings of the project