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    Robert Hooke

    He did name cells and create many speculations about them even putting out the first book about cells educating more people about cells so I included him in the important list.
  • Robert hooke microgophia

    This is the book that popularized the name cell and informed many scientists of cells.
  • cells come from other cells

    This is important because this is when the argument of cells origin first came and before everything was a rule. People didn't know where they came from therefore not knowing what they are made of which only made scientists more curious. Leading to furthering the research of cells.
  • Period: to

    Wilhelm His

    This person is the person who came up with the idea of the nervous system in the cell and has the capabilities to carry out tasks
  • cell theory officially formulated

    This is important because this is when there was no denying cell theory it cannot be denied because it was verified and back by so many scientist
  • The idea of everyhting in plants are made of cells

    This when Mathias Jakob Scleiden suggested that every structural element of plants comes from cells or their products. At the time it was a foreign idea that even living things are made of cells and seeing how plants are alive eventually someone thought, "Does that mean animals are made of cells as well. Which Theodor Swann did.
  • cells come from other cells argument

    cells come from other cells argument
    Again people had no idea where cells came from but eventually there were two ideas, that cells spontaneously pop up or that come from other cells they came to the conclusion that they come from other cells.
  • oil-immersion lens

    oil-immersion lens
    The oil immersion lens helped many scientific discoveries and made the microscope invention even better and helped further the information on the cell.
  • evoltuion of cells

    evoltuion of cells
    This made the thought of organelles coming into the picture because of the thought of the cell as a body making room for more questions and speculations about the cell