Apartheid starting out
creation of three hundred and seventeen laws by Dr. D.F. Malan’s nationalist party, which was elected in 1948. The apartheid only proceeded to add structure to the racial segregation and domination that already existed within the nation -
holdings of people
The Group Areas act held back the entrance of black people to urban, agricultural, and industrial places and areas.1950 july 7 -
The Bantu Authorities Act
assigned all Africans to their native land this stole power away from the Africans, and instead allowed them to vote solely with their homeland. -
The Sharpeville Massecre
5,000 to 7,000 black African protesters went to the police station. The South African police opened fire on the crowd, killing 69 people. -
The uprising
an uprising in the black town of Soweto spread to other black towns and left 600 dead -
Bad news
declared that since 1983, dissidents have murdered 120, mutilated 25, raped 47, and committed 284 robberies -
new presadent
F.W. de Klerk took P. W. Botha's place as president. 1989 sept 6 -
Set free
Nelson Mandella was let out of prison -
Nelson Mandela was the first democraticly chosen presadent of south Africa -
the African National Congress won South Africa's general election in a landslide, taking about 70% of the vote -
round 100,000 gold miners strike over pay, bringing the industry to a standstill. -
Corruption charges against president Zuma are dismissed, raising his bid for the presidency. -
thousands of workers start a strike in apartheid -
A judge throws out a corruption case against ruling party chief Zuma -
Nelson Mandela dies, aged 95.