1948 War
Israel declared Independence. This led to Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq to attack Israel. Israel gained land. Egypt and the Gaza Strip and Jordan gained the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Jews became refugees. -
Settlement Construction Begins
The Israeli people allowed for the building of settlements. The amount of settlements increased and the number of controversies as well. -
Attrition Battles
Israel wanted Jerusalem to be a unified City for everyone.War broke out and Arabs didn't want peace. Planes were hijacked and terrorist attacks occurred more often. -
The October War/Yom Kippur War
Syria both attacked Israel on Yom Kippur which is a Jewish holiday.
The Israelis were able to fight back and protect most of their land from the invasions of the Egyptians and Syrians. -
Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement
Egypt recognized Israel as a country and decided to make a peace treaty with each other. I stopped the fighting between the two countries and as well they both compromised and made peace. -
The 1982 Lebanon War
Parts of Lebanon invaded and attacked Israel. This increasingly complicated Lebanese Civil War. Then they withdrew themselves in June of 1985. -
The First Intifada
Palestinians in the West Bank engaged in an uprising against Israel.
Don't use military force to hold off the attack. Although these attacks were held off many lives were lost. -
The Oslo Accords
The Oslo Accords were signed as a DOP and created by the Palestinian Authority. Calmed down the fighting and this helped the PLO recognize Israel -
Israel and Jordan Sign a Peace Treaty
Israel and Jordan make peace. In 1994 the country of Jordan recognized Israel as a country. Communication tourism cultural exchanges Etc. have increased since then. -
The Camp David Summit
Bill Clinton brought Ehud Barak and president Yasser Arafat to Camp David. They were there to negotiate final status agreement. No peace was achieved as Barack refused to agree on the terms. -
The Second Intifada
Ariel Sharon visited a Jewish Temple Mount. There was a lack of progress for peace. This resulted in a riot including suicide bombers killing civilians and the increase of terrorist attacks. This is still currently going on. -
Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
The prince proposes a plan for peace with Israel to take all land that was captured before by the 1967 War in return for Peace. The proposal was rejected. -
Israel begins constructing the West Bank Barrier
In 2002 Israel built a security barrier to separate the citizens from the terrorists. It has been very effective by preventing suicide bombers comming in from the Gaza strip. Others criticize it, that it has been a separation for Palestinians from their work places. This also has been ongoing. -
The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
A plan proposed by the Quartet. It involved three steps for a independent Palestine and a secure Israel. Unfortunately it has never progressed through the first step. -
Disengagement from Gaza
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon progreesed with the disengagement policy. Basically the Physical separation from Israel from the Palestinian territories. It has been done and the number of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel has increased. -
Hamas is Elected
Palestinians elected a few of Hamas members. They were picked because many saw the government corrupt. From the Hamas being elected they have been responsible for many terrorist attacks. -
The 2006 Lebanon War
In July of 2006 Hezbollah, who has been known to be committed to destroying Israel, crossed the border and killed eight people and kidnapped two others. At the same time they were launching rockets. In response Israel launched back. The war ended on August eleventh of 2006. -
Battle of Gaza
Conflict has risen between Hamas and the PLO ever since the Hamas has been elected. Hamas militants attacked Fatah members through Gaza. In response The Palestinian Authority President dissolved the Hamas Government. Now their are two Palestinian governments. The Hamas control Gaza and the Palenstinian Authority control the West Bank -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
Israel Navy Troops boarded half dozen ships that were had an intent of breaking a blockade Israel made on the coastal territory. I srael already asked the Flotilla to haed for the port of Ashdod. Instead they just kept going and Israel acted. -
Before 2011 Arab states did not have democratic government. Arab states began to protest against the autocratic and oppressive governments. Protests spread everywhere.