Mrs spence is a dracula

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    what:USSR, Britain, USA. Discuss reorganize germany
    what did it do for the cold war:Start of power struggle
    what did it do for liberalism:Germany had no say
  • Potsdam conference

    Potsdam conference
    what:Meeting about dividing Germany into 4 division.
    what effect it had on the cold war:
    what effect it had on liberalism:Germany had no say, and made everything east red army, and west capitalism
  • Hiroshima bombing

    Hiroshima bombing
    what:Nuclear bombing of city to scare everyone in japan
    where:Hiroshima Japan
    what did it do for the cold war:It helped with deterrence
    what did it do for liberalism:Killed everyone in hiroshima 90,000 to 140,000
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Bombing of Nagasaki
    what:Nuclear bombing of city to scare everyone in japan
    where:Nagasaki Japan
    what did it do for the cold war:It helped with deterrence
    what did it do for liberalism:Killed everyone in nagasaki up to 80,000 people dead
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    what:This event was about when the capitalist paid certain countries of those people to be on there side.
    what effect it had on the cold war: They were trying to get people on the capitalist side.
    what effect it had on liberalism:Gave countries a choice to be capitalist.
  • Brussels Treaty

    Brussels Treaty
    what:The treaty was signed by all western european countries for an alliance
    where:Western European countries
    what did it do for the cold war:A treaty for the countries for protection for one another
    what did it do for liberalism:forced to help your allies in war
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    what:This event was about when the capitalist paid certain countries of those people to be on there side. similar to truman but increased spending.
    what effect it had on the cold war: They were trying to get people on the capitalist side.
    what effect it had on liberalism:Gave countries a choice to be capitalist.
  • Molotov plan

    Molotov plan
    what:Provide aid to rebuild and help some countries aligned with the USSR
    what did it do for the cold war:Provide aid to the countries aligned with the soviets union
    what did it do for liberalism: Helping other countries in need
  • Period: to

    Berlin block aid

    what: The Soviets blocked off western allies railway road, and canal because capitalist was trying to send them food
    what did it do for the cold war:the communist lost freedom caused they were starving
    what did it do for liberalism:they killed off there own communist people and led them to starvation
  • NATO

    what:All member countries would would assist one another if attacked by the soviets union
    where:All member countries (west countries)
    what effect it had on the cold war:Created alignments, and had collective security for mutual protection of its members
    what effect it had on liberalism:Forced countries to go to war if they didn't want to.
  • Period: to

    Korean war

    what:It was a war between north and south korea
    what did it do for the cold war:set the cold war tensions for powers
    what did it do for liberalism:Broke up families and had em live in the dmz
  • Stalin's Death

    Stalin's Death
    what: stalin died of a stroke
    what did it do for the cold war:allow for a change of leadership and a change of tensions
    what did it do for liberalism:people released from camps, some people were scared and other people gained stuff out of it
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    what: A treaty establishing a warsaw pact for mutual friendship for the communism countries
    where:European countries communism countries only
    what did it do for the cold war:A mutual friends ship for the neighbouring countries
    what did it do for liberalism:alliances with the countries.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam war

    what:It was a resistance war against america
    what did it do for the cold war:angered other states
    what did it do for liberalism:This war took away freedom cuz they had to go to war
  • Hungry revolution

    Hungry revolution
    what:a nationwide revolution against the hungarian people, republic and its soviets
    what did it do for the cold war:thousands of people marched the streets protesting for more freedom
    what did it do for liberalism:Protested for freedom and fought for it

    what:Aerospace defence, to track missile and dismantle them
    where:North American
    what effect it had on the cold war: Caused Deterrence
    what effect it had on liberalism:Scared countries.
  • Fidel castro taking over

    Fidel castro taking over
    what:took over military and political power
    what did it do for the cold war:let the soviets place bombs around cuba nad missile crisis
    what did it do for liberalism:took away rights from people and forced to go to war
  • Bay of pigs

    Bay of pigs
    what:When the CIA trained the people of mexico to fight back and they died
    what did it do for the cold war:The foreigners were trying to take back there land
    what did it do for liberalism:They got there freedom taken away and they tried to get it back but they were killed
  • Period: to

    Creation of Berlin wall

    what:The wall separate from east and west
    what did it do for the cold war:Seperate the country
    what did it do for liberalism:It when they seperated people the people on each side couldn't see each other even if there family
  • Period: to

    End of cuban missile crisis

    what:cuban missile ended because soviet leader removed russian missiles in exchange for usa specs
    what did it do for the cold war:the missile was one of the confrontation of the war
    what did it do for liberalism:gave em there rights back
  • Nuclear arms treaty

    Nuclear arms treaty
    what:NPT is an organization that prevents the spread of nuclear weapons
    what did it do for the cold war:Help prevent of nuclear weapons tactics and to be peaceful in nuclear arms
    what did it do for liberalism:made people feel more safe to live life
  • Period: to

    Afghanistan war

    what:mujahideen and maoist groups fought a guerilla war against the soviets and the demo republic
    what did it do for the cold war:The afghans tried to prevent the spread of communism
    what did it do for liberalism:forced to fight for a cause that wasn't even there decision
  • Solidarity in Poland

    Solidarity in Poland
    what:became the first independent labour union
    what did it do for the cold war:played an important and strategic role in cold war
    what did it do for liberalism:unions with the west and east european
  • Berlin Wall falling

    Berlin Wall falling
    what: Build a wall to separate east and west, and by falling means by ending the cold war
    what did it do for the cold war:ending the cold war
    what did it do for liberalism:berlin gained full liberalism
  • Czechoslovakia Revolution

    Czechoslovakia Revolution
    what:was a non violent transition of power in czechoslovakia
    what did it do for the cold war:they fought for their rights and freedom to change
    what did it do for liberalism:first time people stood up against being communist
  • End of the Cold war

    End of the Cold war
    what:Both agreed to stop interfering into each others ideologies.
    where:All over the world
    what did it do for the cold war: ended the cold war
    what did it do for liberalism:everyone didnt have to worry no more and there was peace