Mrs. Pake's Murder Timeline

  • Thursday at Lunch

    Mrs. Pake talked to the lunch lady about money problems and insinuating that she was stealing the money.
  • Friday- 9:00 am

    Jartavian Campbell was going to get written up but she threw away the bus referral.
  • Friday- 11:45 am

    Chase got candy during 1st lunch from Mrs. Pake. Then Mrs. Pake and Chase talked for a while about a letter recommendation for Chase.
  • Friday- 11:45 am

    Mrs. Peek saw Mrs. Pake for the first time on Friday to talk about the yearbook and while they were talking about the yearbook Chase was there.
  • Friday- 12:00 pm

    Chase brought Mrs. Pake her water back since Mrs. Pake asked him to do so.
  • Friday- 1:15 pm

    Michelle Soper was working 2nd lunch when Mrs. Pake went to go get lunch and Steaffon was there to visit her.
  • Friday- 1:35 pm

    Mr. Caroon saw the thing with Steaffon go down during his planning period with Mrs. Pake informing Steaffon that he was out of the dress code.
  • Friday- 1:38 pm

    At the beginning of 4th period, Mr. Jefferson heard Mrs. Pake’s voice getting louder. However, he thought nothing of it and eventually it seemed like she was yelling (maybe an argument going on but he was not sure) soon towards the end of the yelling, he heard a door slam.
  • Friday- 2:50 pm

    Mrs. Peek left early from class and saw Mrs. Pake talking to Mrs. Tyson in the multi-purpose room and she seemed mad.
  • Friday- 3:00 pm

    Chase was looking for Mr. Caroon and based on Mr. Jefferson’s statement Chase “seemed real agitated,”, and was waiting by Mr. Caroon's car for him to take Chase home.
  • Friday- 3:00 pm

    Last time Dr. Probert saw Mrs. Pake was when she was talking to the teachers “She was talking to Ms. Sauls, Ms. Roberson, Mr. Jefferson, Ms. Peek, Mr. Moore, Ms. Alligood, and Mr. Martin when I walked up. The whole staff is required to be out there every day” based on Dr. Probert's statement.
  • Friday- 3:15 pm

    Caroon left with Chase in order to take Chase home, and Mr. Caroon on the way home was talking about Mrs. Pake.
  • Friday- 3:45 pm

    This was the last time Mrs. Roberson saw Mrs. Pake and asked about funds. During that time Mrs. Roberson saw Mrs. Pake drinking her water.
  • Friday- Around 5:00ish

    Mrs. Pake died from poisoning.
  • Friday- 5:15 pm

    Mrs. Tyson called and Mrs. Pake. However, Mrs. Pake did not answer.
  • Friday- 3:00 pm to 3:20 pm

    Caroon was nowhere to be seen during this time while suppose to be at bus duty. This gave him the chance to poison Mrs. Pake's water due to the fact that she left her water in her office.
  • Saturday- 7:00 am

    Mrs. Pake’s body was found dead at the scene of the crime.