battle of gonzals
battle of gonzals -
first war started
march of the mexican army
constitution of 1835
mexican army attack on san antionio
siage of the alamo
swering into to the goverment officals
constitution of 1836
texas independence
battle of the alamo
Sam Houston assumes command of the army at Gonzales
runaway scrap
goliad massacure
sam houston lead the texas army in th battle of san jusito
Sam Houston is inaugurated president of the republic
Texas patriot Lorenzo de Zavalla dies
Stephen F. Austin dies.
The steamship Laura successfully navigates the Buffalo Bayou but misses the new city of Houston, due to dense vegetation.
John J. Audubon comes to Texas to study bird-life and to paint birds for his famous work.
Chief Bowles of the Cherokee is killed at the Battle of the Neches