Remember goliad

Mr.M Sydney Hughes

  • Quanna Parker died

    Quanna Parker died
  • The Gterierrez-Magee Expedetion crossed the Sabine from Louisiana

    The Gterierrez-Magee Expedetion crossed the Sabine from Louisiana
    About 130-men strong, the Gutierrez-Magee Expedition crossed the Sabine from Louisiana in a rebel movement against Spanish rule in Texas.
  • Stephen F. Austin received a grant from the Mexican government

    Stephen F. Austin received a grant from the Mexican government
    3 January 1823 -- Stephen F. Austin received a grant from the Mexican government and began colonization in the region of the Brazos River
  • Relations between the Texans and Mexico reached a new low

    Relations between the Texans and Mexico reached a new low
    6 April 1830--Relations between the Texans and Mexico reached a new low when Mexico forbid further emigration into Texas by settlers from the United States.
  • The Battle of Velasco

    The Battle of Velasco
    26 June 1832--The Battle of Velasco resulted in the first casualties in Texas' relations with Mexico. After several days of fighting, the Mexicans under Domingo de Ugartechea were forced to surrender for lack of ammunition.
  • The Revalotion Began

    The Revalotion Began
    2 October 1835 -- Texans repulsed a detachment of Mexican cavalry at the Battle of Gonzales. The revolution began.
  • The Goliad Campaign of 1835 ended

    The Goliad Campaign of 1835 ended
    9 October 1835 -- The Goliad Campaign of 1835 ended when George Collingsworth, Ben Milam, and forty-nine other Texans stormed the presidio at Goliad and a small detachment of Mexican defenders.
  • U.S. President promised to annex Texas

    U.S. President promised to annex Texas
    29 December 1845 -- U. S. President James Polk followed through on a campaign platform promising to annex Texas, and signed legislation making Texas the 28th state of the United States.
  • State Fair of Texas opened on May 1, 1852

    State Fair of Texas opened on May 1, 1852
  • Abraham Lincoln becomes The President of The United States.

    Abraham Lincoln becomes The President of The United States.
    Abraham Lincoln becomes president of the United States.
  • Civil War starts in 1861

    Civil War starts in 1861
  • Bombing of Fort Sumter

    Bombing of Fort Sumter
  • Robert E. Lee resigns his commision in the U.S. Army

    Robert E. Lee resigns his commision in the U.S. Army
    20 April. After being offered field command of the Union forces, Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the U. S. Army and takes up a commission in the Confederate Army.
  • West Virginia is born

    West Virginia is born
  • Abraham Lincoln Assasination

    Abraham Lincoln Assasination
  • April 26, 1865 - John Wilkes Booth is shot and killed in a tobacco barn in Virginia.

    April 26, 1865 - John Wilkes Booth is shot and killed in a tobacco barn in Virginia.
    John Wilkes Booth got shot in a tobacco farm in Virginia.
  • Battle of Palmito Ranch

    Battle of Palmito Ranch
  • Period: to

    Battle of Palminto Ranch

  • Brownsville Texas is where the Battle of Palmito Ranch took place

    Brownsville Texas is where the Battle of Palmito Ranch took place
  • Farrah Fawcett was born

    Farrah Fawcett was born
  • George Strait was born!

    George Strait was born!
  • Rosa Parks was arrested

    Rosa Parks was arrested
  • Martin Luther King Jr. died

    Martin Luther King Jr. died
  • Six Flags Over Texas was built

    Six Flags Over Texas was built
  • Carol Burnett opened her first television show

    Carol Burnett opened her first television show
  • Terrorists hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings.

    Terrorists hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings.
  • The new Dallas Cowboys Stadium was built

    The new Dallas Cowboys Stadium was built