Period: to
The History of Modern Computing
Charles Baggage publishes paper on 'Difference Engine'
Charles Babbage, a brilliant and eccentric English Mathematician, conceives of a machine that could make mathematical decisions and replace human calculations for important mathematical concerns like maritime navigation. -
The Complex Number Calculator (CNC) Was Completed
Bell Telephone Laboratories completed their complex machine, desgined by researcher George Stibitz. This is considered to be the first demonstration of acssesing other information from another computer. Resorce found at http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/?year=1940 -
Konrad Zuse invents the Z3
The Z3 by inventor Konrad Zuse from 1941 is regarded as the first working programmable, fully automatic modern computing machine. -
First Electronic Digital Computer
John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built the first electronic digital computer. Orignally the computer was the size of a room. -
Colossus Computer
Colossus was the first digital computer t electronic digital computer that was at all programmable. It was used by British code breakers during World War II. -
John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert develops the ENIC 1 (Electrical Numercial Integrator and Calculator) -
Konrad Zuse invents the Z4 which is the first commercial computer sold.
Konrad Zuse invents the first Z4 and it was the first commmercial computer sold it was a good thing which made many people happy... -
IBM develops the first automatic transistor
IBM ( international buisness machines ) develpoes the first automatic mass-production facility for transistors in New York -
Datasaab D2
The Datasaab D2 was created in 1960 and was built in sweeden. It weighed 200 kg and could be place on a desktop. It was a prototype designed to test conveniently done of a computeriezed navigation aid in aircrafts. -
First industrial robot.
General Motors puts the first industrial robot to work in a New Jersey factory. The robot is a 4,000 pound Unimate. -
Fairchild Camera and Intrument Corp. invented the resistor-transistor logic (RTL) product, a set/reset flip flop, and the first whole circuit available as a single chip. -
It was designed for scientific and military tasks an it could do 5 million operations per second. -
TRANSIT used in submarines
The TRANSIT system becomes operational on U.S. Polaris submarines. This system later becomes known as GPS. -
Missile Guidance System created
The US Department of defense develops ada a computer progamming language capable of designing missile guidance system. -
China Satellite
China's first satellite the "Dong Fang Hong I" is launched into space April 24, 1970. -
The Sealed Lead Acid battery begins being used for commercial use. -
Intel announces the 1103, a new DRAM memory chip containing more than 1,000 bits of information. This chip is classified as random-access memory (RAM).
Dynamic Random Access Memory, DRAM is one of the most commonly found memory modules in PC compatible personal computers and workstations -
Apple II was created
The Apple II is a home computer that was designed by Steve Wonzniak and manufactured by apple.It was introduced in 1977. -
Adam Osborne introduces the Osborne I, the first successful portable laptop
The Osborne I was the first successful microcomputer, released on 3 April 1981 by Osborne Computer Corporation. It had the basic programs of a modern computer. -
Microsoft Windows is developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft
Microsoft introduced an operating environment called "Windows" on November 20, 1985. -
Microsoft released their first product to Russia. DOS. 4.01
Microsoft Disk operating system, MS-DOS Insert a disk in a drive.Originally writen by Tim Patterson. -
Video Toaster is introduced
Video toaster is a video editing and production system for the Amiga line of computers. -
The World Wide Web is born -
First Xbox Created and Sold
Microsoft Releases the XBOX over 25 million copies sold -
First iPhone
Apple releases the first iPhone