Texas during the civil war

Mr. M Kaleb Jacobs

  • Lincoln was born

    Lincoln was born
  • In the fall of 1842 Abraham Lincoln gets married to Mary Todd

    In the fall of 1842 Abraham Lincoln gets married to Mary Todd
  • Abraham Lincoln became President of the United States

    Abraham Lincoln became President of the United States
  • January 1861 -- The South Secedes

    January 1861 -- The South Secedes
  • February 1861 -- The South Creates a Government

    February 1861 -- The South Creates a Government
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Secession started the Civil War
  • the confederates formed their army

    the confederates formed their army
    theconfederates formed and was ready to fight in the civil war
  • March 1861 -- Lincoln's Inauguration

    March 1861 -- Lincoln's Inauguration
  • April 12, 1861, at 4:30 a.m., Confederate batteries opened fire, firing for 34 straight hours, on the fort

    April 12, 1861, at 4:30 a.m., Confederate batteries opened fire, firing for 34 straight hours, on the fort
  • June 1861 -- Four Slave States Stay in the Union

    June 1861 -- Four Slave States Stay in the Union
  • July 1861 -- A Blockade of the South

    July 1861 -- A Blockade of the South
  • January 1862 -- Abraham Lincoln Takes Action

    January 1862 -- Abraham Lincoln Takes Action
  • during the war

    during the war
    during the war
  • December 1862 -- The Battle of Fredericksburg

    December 1862 -- The Battle of Fredericksburg
  • mid war

    mid war
    mid war
  • May 1864 -- Grant's Wilderness Campaign

    May 1864 -- Grant's Wilderness Campaign
  • May 1864 -- The Battle of Spotsylvania

    May 1864 -- The Battle of Spotsylvania
  • June 1864 -- The Battle of Cold Harbor

    June 1864 -- The Battle of Cold Harbor
  • still fighting

    still fighting
    Still fighting?!?!?!?!?
  • President Abraham Lincoln assassinated

    President Abraham Lincoln assassinated
    April 14, 1865, Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theatre in Washington by John Wilkes Booth
  • Abe was put in this casket

    Abe was put in this casket
    Abraham's body was put in a low cost casket and transported across the U.S. for all the funerals
  • Lieutenant General Ambrose P. Hill died in Petersburg, Virginia

    Lieutenant General Ambrose P. Hill died in Petersburg, Virginia
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    Texas was readmitted into the Union
  • Cause of the war

    Cause of the war
    a lot of people died during the Civil War
  • nine years later in 1874, Texas more closely resembled the Texas of 1861than anyone might have predicted at war's end

    nine years later in 1874, Texas more closely resembled the Texas of 1861than anyone might have predicted at war's end
  • U.S. Army Officer and General Braxton Bragg died in Galveston, Texas

    U.S. Army Officer and General Braxton Bragg died in Galveston, Texas
  • Edmund J. Davis died

    Edmund J. Davis died
    Edmund J. Davis died in 1883
  • Jackie Robinson was the 1st black person to play in the major leagues of baseball

    Jackie Robinson was the 1st black person to play in the major leagues of baseball
  • from January 20, 2001- January 20, 2009 George W. Bush was President of the U.S.

    from January 20, 2001- January 20, 2009 George W. Bush was President of the U.S.