Mr. Garry Government Timeline

  • Bill Clinton is Aquitted of Perjury Charges

    Bill Clinton is Aquitted of Perjury Charges
    After a five-week impeachment trial, Bill Clinton's charges of perjury and obstruction of justice were obsolved. This affected the United States in a way that presidents were then on held to high standards because of Clinton's reckless conduct during his presidency.
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    In December of 1999 I was born at Abington Hospital at 8:44 pm. I have one other sister older sister.
  • My First Steps

    My First Steps
    Sometime in February of 2001, at 14 months I took my first steps. This was a very exciting event for my parents since I had only ever crawled, and parents are always awating that moment when their child walks for the first time. This picture is from later in the same year.
  • 9/11

    On September 11th 2001, a terrible event occurred that affected the United States from that day forward. The Twin Towers in New York City were destroyed by two planes overtaken by terrorists. This impacted the United States in ways like, the government started upgrading airport security and the security in the US overall.
  • I was Hospitalized for Dehydration

    I was Hospitalized for Dehydration
    When I was four years old, I became really sick and my parents decided to take me to the hospital. They then told us that I was dehydrated and had to stay for a couple days. This was very significant because I had never been so sick before, and it was a scary time for my parents.
  • George Bush is Reelected

    George Bush is Reelected
    On November second, 2004, George Bush was reelected against John Kerry, and it was a very close vote. This is a significant event because there were many budget deficits starting in the beginning of his presidency leading to America's worst financial crisis since the Great Depression in 2008. This could have turned out different if he had not been elected again.
  • We moved

    We moved
    In the summer of 2005, my parents, sister, and I moved from our small apartment in Jenkintown to a house in a friendly neighborhood in Abington. This changed my life because I ended up going to Abington schools instead of Jenkintown- my life would be a lot different if we hadn't moved. The picture I added for this event was taken right before we moved.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was a significant event for the government because they thought they would be prepared for a disaster like Katrina, but their prevention methods and slow response to the destruction proved how unprepared they were. Not only did it show how unprepared the government was, but George Bush's approval rating fell majorly because of his response to the disaster.
  • I started playing lacrosse

    I started playing lacrosse
    In March of 2008 I started playing lacrosse for Abington Girls Lacrosse Club. This was a very significant event in my life because it began my lacrosse career which continues to this day; now I am playing for the high school.
  • Emergency Economic Stabilization Act

    Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
    Congress passed the Emergency Economic Stabilzation Act of 2008 for a 700 billion dollar bailout that gave the Treasury Department the power to aid failing Wall Street and banking businesses, and the power to make it easier to access credit for working families, small businesses, and other companies.This was significant because that is all vital for a strong economy.
  • Affordable Care Act expands health care

    Affordable Care Act expands health care
    The Affordable Care Act was put into place by Obama on March twenty third, 2010. By putting comprehensive health insurance reforms in place, (expanding coverage, lowering health care costs, holding insurance companies accountable, etc) it provided Americans with better health security.
  • Day my family got our dog Callee

    Day my family got our dog Callee
    On May 12th, my mom woke up my sister and I saying our "Uncle Bob" was here, although we don't even have an Uncle Bob. We came downstairs to find my dad holding our new dog Callee. This was significant because having a dog changed our lives in good ways, but also taught me about having more responsibility.
  • Memaw's Death

    Memaw's Death
    In January 2011, my family and I drove five hours to see my memaw for her final week in the hospital before her death. This was a very significant event because we got to spend so much time together with our family (who we don't see often) that week before she passed away. Not having my grandma in my life has been hard and it makes me very sad I couldn't have spent more time with her before she died.
  • Budget Control Act of 2011

    Budget Control Act of 2011
    On August second, Congress released the Budget Control Act of 2011. The projected defense spending over the next ten years was cut by 487 billion dollars. The act also began sequestration, which would cut an additional 495 billion dollars from the defense budget.
  • My Family and I went to Aruba

    My Family and I went to Aruba
    My family and I took our first trip out of the country to Aruba. It was so amazing to see all the amazing different places and attractions in the country and it was such a cool experience. This trip was special to me because it was the first foreign place I went to, and I really want to travel when I'm older, so it was a good start.
  • Sandy Hook Shooting

    Sandy Hook Shooting
    On December fourteenth, 2012, a horrible event occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut. Twenty year old Adam Lanza killed twenty children and eight adults in the school. This had a significant effect on the government because it caused a lot of debate from a number of lawmakers talking about proposing a series of gun laws. Also, Obama announced plans for reducing gun violence.
  • My Lacrosse Team lost the championship game

    My Lacrosse Team lost the championship game
    I played for Abington Girls Lacrosse Club from second grade to eighth. In my last year playing, my team made it to the championship game against a big rival of ours, the Lady Bulldogs. It was a very close game, but in the last ten seconds, the other team scored and won the game. This was so significant because this game made me realize that I wanted to continue to play lacrosse in High School; I had been unsure if I wanted to play for awhile.
  • Government Shutdown

    Government Shutdown
    The government shut down for sixteen days after Congress could not agree on a budget for the new fiscal year after Republican lawmakers were pushing to defund Obamacare. Many federal employees were out of work without pay, and the government shutdown cost the United States a total of twenty four billion dollars, so it was a very significant event.
  • Gay Marriage becomes Legal

    Gay Marriage becomes Legal
    On June twenty-sixth, 2015, the supreme court declared same-sex marriage legal in all fifty states of the United States. This is a very significant event because same-sex marriage was only legal in very few states before, and it was a big decision made by the supreme court.
  • First year as a counselor

    First year as a counselor
    My dad has owned and has been directing a summer camp, called Lifeseeds, for about fourteen years. It is my favorite place to be, and I went as a camper for over ten years. This event is significant because it was my first year as a counselor, and I had been looking forward to it ever since I began coming to camp.