MP Timeline

  • School Museums

    School Museums
    Used to have hands-on experiences with history.
  • Instructional Films

    Instructional Films
    First time picture media was used to educate students.
  • Instructional Radio

    Instructional Radio
    Radio was used but failed after a few decades.
  • WWII

    Film Projectors and tapes for training marines
  • Media Research

    Media Research
    After the war, there was lots of research done on the most effective ways to use instructional media.
  • Television

    Televisions were more common and had channels dedicated to education and information.
  • Early Computers

    Early Computers
    Used to teach early in their development.
  • Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

    Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
    A way of understanding the questions in the educational system.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik Launch
  • Programmed Instruction- Teaching Machine

    Programmed Instruction- Teaching Machine
    Teaching Machines were used to give students an automated learning process.
  • Behavioral Objectives

    Behavioral Objectives
    A shift toward the behavior of students was seen and studied in trying to reach goals.
  • Criterion Referenced Testing

    Criterion Referenced Testing
    How well an individual can perform a behavior
  • Conditions of Learning

    Conditions of Learning
    Gagne's Conditions of Learning
  • Formative Evaluation

    Formative Evaluation
    Evaluation done during an event or performance.
  • Summative Evaluation

    Summative Evaluation
    Evaluation is done at the conclusion of an event or performance.
  • Internet

    Expanded on the possibilities for education on computers
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday