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9D Personal Timeline 20

  • The Day I Came Into The World

    The Day I Came Into The World
    A baby girl was born in the early crisp days of autumn.
    The orange leaves falling down the trees, the night skies as dark as a void, and the mornings, so bright and ethereal.
    The sharp wind caressed her, until she opened her eyes, into a cold and mysterious world. In a world with ups and downs.
    Who knows what she'll be like when she grows.
  • Art Will Always be Limitless

    Art Will Always be Limitless
    I remember how I didn't put the colors in order, and I put some colours that aren't normally supposed to be in a rainbow.
    Light purple, dark red, a soft blue, hot pinks, vibrant greens, and other messy colours. I remember a guy from an older grade telling me that's not how a real rainbow looks like, and another girl in the same grade, said it looked beautiful, and that I should keep colouring it however I want, that I should keep using my imagination!
  • It's Our Last Day Together - I Miss You

    It's Our Last Day Together - I Miss You
    She's so special to me, but I haven't been able to talk to her, because of time differences.
    I was devastated the day I had to leave, I felt bad that I had to leave her all alone.
    We hung out one last time, and then we parted ways...
    We try to send each other things through the mail from time to time, It was our friendship anniversary last month, I miss her everyday. I've only ever had one friend in my life, a true friend like her, she's just like family. <3
  • Moving Day

    Moving Day
    My whole entire life I've lived in Ottawa, born and raised, whoever thought I’d move. I never wanted to move my whole life is over there, and I left my only friend there. Soon will be five years that I’ve lived in Edmonton. I wonder what my life will be like here, until I am old enough, and comfortable to move away again.
  • Skiing For The First Time

    Skiing For The First Time
    I’ve skied around four times, but the first time I've ever skied, made me so nervous! I was in the fourth grade, beginner skier, it was easy at first, but I made the mistake of going on the big mountain I came down safely, but I’m pretty sure that half of the ride my eyes were closed.
  • An Ironic Catastrophe

    An Ironic Catastrophe
    All jokes aside, have you heard of the expression “break a leg”?
    You usually say it to someone before they play a game against another team, or when you’re about to go on the big stage. But no one told me I would literally break a leg that day! I just wanted to go play outside!
  • Covid Ruined The Play

    Covid Ruined The Play
    Pompadours and Poodle skirts, my first time ever being on a big school play, but little did I know...
    All of that got ruined the next few days, because of the pandemic. Imagine getting the chance to play a big role in a movie, but the whole world had to quarantine because of a virus!
  • The First Special Christmas - I Wish It Could Stay

    The First Special Christmas - I Wish It Could Stay
    All of my Christmas’ have always quite sad, nothing eventful, or warm, until this year! This year was the best Christmas, it wasn’t even the presents. The presents didn’t matter because I didn’t have them any other Christmas, but it was the family, the joy, the food and the laughter. That’s what made this Christmas, the best Christmas yet.
  • The Mimic - An Interesting Game

    The Mimic - An Interesting Game
    Playing video games is one of my favourite pastimes, I’ve never really had a favourite one until this one came out! I talk about it almost everyday, it’s a horror game with an amazing story to it.
    It’s the first one I actually enjoyed playing!
  • Clear Path Ahead - The Beginning

    Clear Path Ahead - The Beginning
    That day, I was so nervous for school, will I fall into my old habits... no I can’t!
    I have to keep pushing myself until the end of the year, It’s my last year in middle school (9th grade) after all! I think this school year is gonna be great, I’m gonna stay motivated and do better than all the other years combined!