Vietnam War Begins
The war was about the U.S.A. preventing a communist take over of south vietnam. The war ended on April 30, 1975. The Viet Cong took over south vietnam shortly after. -
Death of JFK
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was asasinated in Dealey Plaza in Dallas Texas. He was sitting in an open car, waving to the people. Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin. -
Johnson Elected
Lyndon B. Johnson became president after Kenney was murdered. He escalated the war in vietnam. He's the founder of the Great Society Program. -
Pong was the very first sport arcade game. It was one of the first video games to reach mainstream popularity. It is a 2D sports game which simulates table tennis. -
Water gate scandel
http://www.history.com/topics/watergate/videos Nixon intent upon winning his second election, hired a group of men to spy on the democrats in the Watergate Hotel. Evidence was eventually found and stacked against Nixon. This led to the first ever presidential resignation. Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon immediatly after becoming president. -
Apple is founded
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3g6wIIEs7o Founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. It started as a manufacturer of personal computers. Nowadays, nobody in america hasn't heard of Apple. -
Iran Hostage Crisis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kz6O9L7QBno 6 individuals fled the american embassy, as the Iranians invaded it. The six were later rescued by Tony Mendez. He used a fake movie to get them out. -
John Lennon's death
John Lennon was a famous musician who performed as a member of the beatles. He was shot by Mark David Chapman. He died upon arrival to the Roosevelt hospital. -
Release of the Nintendo Entertainment System
The NES was the bigest step in gaming since Pong. It is an 8 bit home video game console, developed and released by nintendo. The NES literally saved the video game industry from the crash of 1983. -
Challenger Disaster
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSTrmJtHLFU The NASA Challenger broke apart 73 second into flight. There were seven crew members abord the Challenger when it exploded. Nobody survived.