Gutenberg Movable Type

By cschip2
  • Jan 1, 1398

    Johannes Gutenberg was born

    Born in Mainz, Germany
  • Jan 1, 1438

    Gutenberg experiments with printing

    Johannes Gutenberg begins to experiment with inventing a cheaper way to make books.
  • Jan 1, 1445

    Gutenberg invents printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press with movable type. The press had replaceable and movable wooden or metal letters. Below are some of the ways the world was impacted by this invention:
    -Education became widespread due to available reading material
    -New ideas spread easier
    -Industrial businesss such as papermaking increased
  • Jan 1, 1448

    Gutenberg Prints the Calendar for 1448

    Johannes Gutenberg printed the Calendar for the year 1448. The calendar is still used throughout the world today.
  • Jan 1, 1455

    Gutenberg prints the Gutenberg Bible

    Gutenberg produced what is considered to be the first book printed with movable type known as the Gutengerg Bible. It was printed in two volumes in Latin. Documentation states the a total of 200 copies were to printed on rag cotton linen paper, and 30 copies on velum animal skin. Only 22 copies are known to exist today. It's estimated that an entire copy of the Gutenberg Bible would be worth about $100 milllion dollars today.
  • Jan 1, 1468

    Gutenberg dies in Mainz, Germany

    Johannes Gutenberg never profitted from his invention and died in poverty.