Mount St. Helens Eruption

  • Pre Eruption

    Hundreds of campers and tourists are on and around the mountain
  • Warning

    Earth Quakes start happening and there is a chance of eruption
  • Popularity

    Hundreds of tourists and news crews storm the mountain
  • Bulge

    A bulge on the mountain appears. The mountain is now becoming more dangerous
  • Increasing danger

    The bulge on the mountain grows with an increased threat of explosion many residents evacuated
  • Bulge and other danger

    The bulge gets even bigger and another earthquake occurs
  • Scientists

    A bunch of science crews and different explorers examine the mountain trying to determine the eruption date.
  • Return

    Many of the residents return after being evacuated and many research teams continue their work
  • Eruption

    Some research teams relocate before the eruption. During the eruption, many are killed and even more injured. Many rescue teams are sent out.
  • After eruption

    A lot more rescue teams are sent out to find survivors. Thousands of trees are uprooted and destroyed or floating down a muddy river. The U.S. President views the damage.
  • 2nd Eruption

    The second eruption shows 21 confirmed dead with tons more casualties.
  • More killed

    More confirmed dead with some survivors found.
  • National Park founded

    A new national park was founded around Mt St Hellens and has a plaque to remember the many people killed.
  • Reunion

    A 20th-year reunion is held for survivors, rescuers, and volunteers.