Mount St. Helens

  • Small explosion opening crater

    A small explosion caused a 250ft crater to open up in the mountain.
  • Period: to

    Mount St. Helens eruption

    Thousands of small earthquakes, explosions of steam, and a growing bulge in the mountain lead to one of the largest volcanic eruptions.
    Total death toll: 57
  • Monitoring equipment installed on Volcano

    Scientists installed monitoring equipment on the volcano to get a better estimation of when the volcano will erupt.
  • Residents forces to evacuate

    Local residents in the area are forced to evacuate as the situation escalates
  • Underground tremmors

    The volcano has started to have underground tremors like earthquakes
  • Steam and ash burst from the mountain

    18 small bursts of steam and ash explode from St. Helens
  • Bulge grows on side of the mountain

    Bulge filled w volcanic material and lava grows from the side of the mountain.
  • Bulge continues to grow

    Bulge continues to grow taking up a side of the mountain
  • Trembling starts to occur

    The ground starts to tremble due to the volcano
  • Residents can visit there homes

    Residents are permitted to visit their homes for a day then must resume the evacuation
  • Volcano erupts

    8:32...Earthquake and volcano opened up followed by a huge explosion. Ash is blasted up to 12 miles in the air covering nearby cities
    8:33...Two more huge explosions from the volcano
  • Mud slides

    The heat from the eruption of the volcano melts ice caps on mountains and sends massive mudslides rushing towards the city called a Lahar. This is the largest mudslide ever recorded.
  • Secound eruption

    The mountain erupts again but smaller and less dangerous than the first