Mount St. Helens

By eb2468
  • first explosion

    At 12:30 pm a small explosion on the mountain causes a crater
  • dispatched someone

    At 10:30 am they dispatch someone to fly over Mount St. Helens
  • observation posts

    At 12:30 pm they installed observation posts for Mount St. Helens
  • road blocks

    at 2:00 pm they put up road blocks to keep people out
  • people are urged to stay away

    10:15 am people are urged to stay away but instead it attracts more tourists
  • bulge forms

    A bulge on the side of Mount St. Helens forms from magma blockage
  • bulge grows

    The bulge enlarges from more magma
  • more observation posts

    The bulge enlarges and the move the observation posts
  • earthquake

    5:00 pm an earthquake shakes the ground
  • people want to go home

    8:00 am people who've evacuated the red zone they live there have believed the crisis to have passed and they want to go home
  • it erupts

    8:32 am An earthquake shakes the mountain causing to start shaking and crumbling then it erupted
  • gas and ash shoot out

    8:33 am 2 huge things of gas and ash shoot out of the mountain and lighting forms
  • ice caps melt

    8:55 am ice caps on the mountain melt
  • sirens

    9:00 am warning sirens sound for people
  • thick ash

    10:10 ash gets so thick and heavy that it causes roofs to cave in and difficulty breathing
  • 3 hour eruption

    12:00 pm a 3 hour eruption, tons of ash over Virginia
  • ash thickens

    2:00 pm ash becomes so thick to the point you can't see the ground
  • eruptions subsides

    5:30 pm the eruption begins to subside
  • everyone evaded danger

    7:45 pm everyone has been rescued from danger
  • jimmy carter flies over the mountain

    1:00 pm Jimmy Carter flies over the mountain and surveys the area
  • it erupts again

    the mountain erupts one more time and sends ash all over