mount saint Helens

  • smaller eruptions

    Smaller eruptions were happening in the fall and summer of 1980 producing pyroclastic flows and windblown ash. 1980-1986
  • First signs of eruptions

    On march 16, 1980 Mount Saint Helens had its first signs of eruptions such as shallow earthquakes and periodic bursts of ash and steam.
  • signs

    Mount saint Helens gets its fist signs of eruptions.
  • Earthquakes

    As many as 20 earthquakes were in an hour were recorded at Mount Saint Helen's.
  • earthquakes

    As many as 20 earthquakes were recorded in an hour.
  • eruption

    It had its first eruption in a long time, but it wasn't that big.
  • more eruptions

    12 more eruptions took place
  • explosions

    93 explosions took place in one day.
  • steam and ash

    plumes of steam and ash reached 20,000 feet.
  • longest explosions yet

    a series of explosions lasted for hours it was the longest yet.
  • Eruptions ciese

    It went from about 1 eruption per hour to 1 per day.
  • small eruptions resume

    The small eruptions are back on to about 1 per hour.
  • the big explosion

    8:32 am on may 18, 1980 the big explosion happens its northern blue and summit slid away in a big landslide it had powerful eruptions and over 50 people died.