Mount Pleasant Timeline 2-H2.0.1 Demonstrate chronological thinking by distinguishing among years and decades using a timeline of local community events

By dunn2tr
  • White settlers arrive in Mt. Pleasant

  • Native Americans relocated to Mt. Pleasant

  • Homestead Act

    Brought new settles to the region to live on the free land
  • Devasting Fire

    Fire destroys Broadway and Main Street
  • Village Status

  • First library

    The Library, Literary, and Musical Association of Mt. Pleasant opens a library
  • More Fire

    Broadway destroyed by fire again
  • City Status

  • Mt. Pleasant Business College opens

  • Name change of business college

    Changed name to Central Michigan Normal School and Business Institute.
  • Mt. Pleasant Indian Industrial School Opened

    Mt. Pleasant Indian Industrial School Opened
  • Renamed Central State Teaching College

    Renamed Central State Teaching College
  • Oil Found

    Large amounts of oil discovered in the city
  • Mt. Pleasant Industrial School Closes

  • Renamed Central Michigan College of Education

  • Renamed Central Michigan College

  • Renamed Central Michigan University