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The nature of motivation
Psychological forces that determine the direction of a person´s behavior in an organization, a person´s level of effort, and a person´s level of persistence in the face of obstacles. -
Expectancy Theory
Formulated by Victor H. Vroom. The theory that motivation will be high when workers believe that high levels of effort lead to high performance and high performance leads to the attainment of desired outcomes -
McClelland´s Needs for Achievement, Affiliation and Power -
11) Pay and Motivation
Pay can be used to motivate people to perform behaviors that help an organization achieve its goals and it can be used to motivate people to join and remain with and organization. -
Equity Theory
It is a theory that concentrates on people’s perceptions of the fairness of their work outcomes relative to,or in proportion to, their work inputs
It was formulated by J. Stacy Adams -
J. Stacy Adams
Operant Conditioning Theory
It was developed by psychologist B.F Shinner
Skinner’s theory means that people will be motivated to perform at a high level and attain their work goals to the extent.
People learn to perform behaviors that lead to desired consequences and learn not do perform behaviors that lead to undesired consequences. -
Goal- Setting Theory
Theory It is focuses on motivation workers to contribute their inputs to their jobs and organizations.
Edwin A. Locke and Gary Latham, the leading researchers of this theory -
Learning Theories
Managers can increase employee motivation and performance by the ways they link the outcomes that employees receive to the performance of desired behaviors in an organization and the attainment of goals. -
Social Learning Theory
It propose that motivation result not only from direct experiences of rewards and punishments but also from a person’s thoughts and beliefs. -
Herzberg´s Motivator-Hygiene Theory
A need theory that distinguishes between motivator needs and higiene needs and proposes that motivator needs must be met for motivation and job satisfaction to be high. -
12) Basing Merit Pay on Individual, Group or Organizational Performance
A compensation plan that bases pay on performance. -
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Salary Increase or Bonus?
A financial instrument that entitles the bearer to buy shares of an organization’s stock at a certain price during a certain period of time or under certain conditions. -
Alderfer´s ERG Theory
The theory that three universal needs-for existence, relatedness and growth- constitute a hierarchy of needs and motivate behavior. Alderfer proposed that needs al more tan one level can be motivational al the same time -
Maslow´s Hierarchy of Needs
An arrangement of five basic needs that, according to Maslow, motivate behavior. Maslow proposed that the lowest level of unmet needs is the prime motivator and that only one level of needs is motivational at a time.