1400 BCE
Joan of Arc Birth
Joan of Arc, one of the most influential Christian Saints, and a French Hero, was born around 1400 BC. Rising from a humble beginning as a pesant, she lead a military victory in 1492, that stopped English conquer of of France duing the 100 years war. She was later burned at the steak for Hearsay at only 19 years old. -
1352 BCE
End of the Black Death
Although experts are still looking for a clear answer to how the Black Death ended, it is suspected that it ended as a result of quarantining the infected people. Countries also worked to improve hygiene and sanitation around cities, and sanitary medical practices, which helped slow the spread of the Black Death. This was the most deadly pandemic in history as it killed, 75-200 million citizens of Europe. -
1346 BCE
The Beginning of the Black Death
The Black Death began in the Himalayan Mountains, as the living conditions were damp, dirty, wet, and cramped, as the humans who lived there lived close to rats. As Black Rats were the most common carriers and spreaders of the black death, it helped spread it quickly to the people living in this mountain, thus began the Black Death. -
1337 BCE
The Hundred Years War
The Hundred Years' War was a battle between England and France deciding who would succeed to the throne. There were territorial problems with this war as well along with the fighting to who would succeed to the French throne. In the end, the French owned after they gained the upper hand at the victory of the Siege of Orleans. -
1237 BCE
The Mongol Invasion of Russia
The Mongols invaded Russia and successfully took control of their empire, conquering Kievan Rus. During this, they destroyed three major cities, Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Novgord and Pskov. Their cavalry consisted of 35,000 men, the Mongols ruled Russia for 240 years, with the rise of Moscow being their downfall. -
1205 BCE
The Mongols Conquest of China
The Mongols were known for their fierce but fair ruling. After the loyal minister and the emperor's eight-year-old boy jumped into the river and drowned, it marked the complete takeover of the Mongol rule of China. This rule would last for 74 years before they were overrun again, conquering various Chinese rulers. -
1095 BCE
The Beginning of the First Christian Crusades
The First Christian Crusades were Christian Knights who fought their way from Europe to get to Constantinople. The Byzanie people lived in fear and became horrified if the crusaders came knocking at their door. They were peasants, but worse they were armed which made them deadly, but through all the fighting they helped establish their church and modernize the west. -
1050 BCE
The Medieval Agricultural Revolution
Europe went through a major agricultural revolution, increasing its crop production by as much as threefold. After learning of the success, the rest of Europe followed suite and saw great results as well. As a result of this production of food they were able to support all their citizens, increasing the European lifespan by two decades. -
800 BCE
Charlemagne is crowned emperor over the Romans
Charlemagne helped bring the country of Rome out of a state of devolution while also spreading Christianity throughout the country. While king, he also influenced education among his people, putting importance on literacy, architecture, and scriptural studies. His rule also brought a strong military and a successful conquering era of Rome. -
800 BCE
The Rise of the Vikings
The rise of the Vikings was the result of Scandinavians wanting to voyage off and seek their own fortunes elsewhere. These Norsemen were fierce and known across the world for their brutality and not to be messed with. They would raid large costal sites, strong empires, and monasteries for loot and fortune. -
What leaders and events of the Middle Ages made kings and popes powerful?
Kings and Popes became powerful after multiple learning curves which helped societies advance. There were leaders such as Charlmange who emphasized, education, military force, and government. Kingdoms became stronger as older they became, so increasingly strong bureaucracy, stronger governments, and smarter leaders, helped advance these kingdoms to become greater and lead above the rest at their time. Throughout this time the kings and popes of these empires gained more control in government.