what started as an irritating, but still deadly, weapon in world war grew into a monstrosity in world war two sinking than any other type of weapon used Today
the submarine nearly unlimited range endurance it has become the capital warship in every first class Navy in the world and as such has effectively rendered naval warfane. -
The airplane
The airplane is not only fast and safe but they also did it in order to shorten the time for transport of some other services such as the overnigh delivery of packages and chasing hurricans -
The automobile
After inventing the wheel we could achieve everything, a vehicle that would soon be in common use arrived, in which they could be transported and shorten distances from one city to another -
The radio
The Italian physicist Guillermo Marconi invented the radio, by connecting Europe and America for the first time by means of a radiotelegraphic signal, a historic date for the development of modern communications. -
The Rocketry
The beginnings of rocketry took place more than 2000 years ago, although it has been in the last seventy years that these machines have been used for space exploration. Today, these machines are used to reach other planets in our solar system. In addition, they are capable of landing and even returning to Earth alone. -
The television
Using a special perforated disk, invented by the German Paul Gottlieb, which, by rotating, analyzes the images, Baird can scan the image in transmission, managing to synchronize another in reception. Baird thus becomes the father of television. However, an invention is the result of work carried out by many researchers who worked on this illusion since the late 19th century, such as Andrea Bonora, who in the mid-800s managed to transmit still images. -
On September 15, 1928, the British scientist Alexander Fleming announced the discovery of penicillin. Penicillin was one of the first antibiotics invented and also one of the most widely used worldwide. -
Nuclear power
Personal Computer
Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer and polymath, originated the concept of a programmable computer. Considered the "father of the computer", he conceptualized and invented the first mechanical computer in the early 19th century. -
The history of the internet dates back to the development of communication networks. The idea of a computer network created to allow general communication. It is here when in the year 95 the most powerful of the tools, the internet, came to us.