Birthday - Personal
This is the date that began my life. I say this is important because it is the beginning of everything. I am a twin, also, so I think that makes it unique and important. He is a very close person to me. -
The Big Move - Personal
I moved from Michigan to Tennessee this summer. It was a huge transition and it changed my life completely. I learned to adapt with things more easily and I wouldn't have it any other way. -
First Car - Personal
I got my first car and I was able to become more independent and transport myself to and from school and I was able to get a job. This was a large, important event of my life. -
First Time out of the U.S. - Personal
This is important to me because it was my first time out of the country. I went to Barcelona, Spain and Paris, France. It opened a new love for traveling. -
Tennessee Governor's School for Prospective Teachers - Professional
This event was important because it set in stone that I wanted to be a teacher. It has impacted me professionally by allowing me experience in college level courses before attending college. -
First Job - Professional
I got my first job at Papa John's and it has grown to be a family-like community for me. I am still here after all this time, and it is paying my way through college. I have worked here from my sophomore year in high school all the way to now. It has taught me how to be a hardworker and I have grown as a better person through this experience. I hope to grow in a school as a teacher one day the way I have at my first job, -
Graduating High School - Professional
This was an achievement of my hard work. This was the first step to my future college education and was a huge growing experience for me. -
Moved Away for College at CNU - Professional
This was a large step in my academic career and allowed me to begin my education to become a teacher. -
Best Buddies - Professional
I had already decided that I wanted to be a teacher, but I also knew I was extremely interested in Special Education and this created a stronger foundation for my decision and greater love for individuals with disabilities. -
Losing Jordan Guess - Personal
This was a very tragic event in my life. I lost one of my bestfriends from highschool and it is important to me to include this because it causes me to realize how short life is and how important it is to love the life you live and how you should keep your loved ones close.