Month 1
The first step is the sperm fertalizes the egg. Next, as the egg grows, the lungs, heart and spinal cord start to form. The heart will start to beat. The baby will be about 1/8 of an inch long. -
Month 2
The embryo begins to take the shape of a baby instead of a tadpole. All internal organs are beginning to develop, eyes and ears are beginning to form, and the arms, finger buds, legs, and toes buds are developing. The baby will be about 1 inch in length. -
Month 3
The embryo becomes a fetus.The face, fingers and toes are fully formed, which make the fetus look more human. The reproductive organs are forming, but sex of the baby cannot be determined. The measurement of the baby is about 3.5-inches long. -
Month 4
the mom’s belly starts to be visible. The baby may begin to hear sounds, lungs continue to develop, and eyebrows and hair begin to start to appear. At this stage, the baby’s heartbeat can be heard. The measurement of the baby is about 5.5-inches long. -
Month 5
the baby’s senses are active. The skin is sensitive and may respond to sounds and light. The baby’s kidneys begin to function and emit urine. At this stage, the immune system begins to help protect the baby from illness and infection. The measurement of the baby is about 7.5 inches -
Month 6
the eye retinas continue to develop, and the eyelids start to open and close. The baby also becomes aware of sounds. At this time, the mom may experience kicking in the belly due to the fact the baby is move mobile. The measurement of the baby is about 10 inches -
Month 7
the baby can see and hear and becomes aware of mom and dad’s voices. The lungs are continuing to develop, bones and muscles are becoming stronger. Eyelashes start to grow, and the reproductive organs start to develop. The measurement of the baby is about 11 inches -
Month 8
brain growth of the baby occurs. The baby’s body is almost fully formed. The lungs are still under development. The measurement of the baby is about 18 inches -
Month 9
the baby is ready to be born and turns its head down in preparation. The baby’s lungs are fully developed it continues to gain weight. The measurement of the baby is about 21 inches