Mongol, Ming, and Qin Timeline

By cdginak
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Mongols Arrived

    Mongols Arrived
    The Mongols come to China from Central Asia.
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Ghenghis Khan

    Ghenghis Khan
    Temujin rose to power and took the title of Genghis Khan and took power over Mongols in China.
  • Jan 1, 1226

    Mongols Conquer Asia

    Mongols Conquer Asia
    The Mongols conquer Asia and used siege warfare. Siege warfare is when you surround and capture a city.
  • Jan 1, 1227

    Genghis Khan died

    Genghis Khan died
    Genghis Khan died, and the Mongols controlled most of northern China and Central Asia. The Empire was divided into different regions.
  • Jan 1, 1236

    Conquering Russia

    Conquering Russia
    Genghis Khan's grandson took up the Gorden Horde and conquered Russia. The Golden Horde is the Mongol Army.
  • Jan 1, 1260

    Kublai Khan

    Kublai Khan
    Kublai Khan became the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire. He wanted to complete the total conquest of China. At this time, the Song Dynasty still ruled in the south.
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Song Ruler was Defeated

    Song Ruler was Defeated
    The last Song ruler was defeated. The Yuan Dynasty was created and Kublai Khan was the emperor.
  • Jan 1, 1290

    Mongols Attempt to Invade Japan

    Mongols Attempt to Invade Japan
    The Mongols tried to invade Japan. The Japanese believed the Kamikaze saved them. The Kamikaze were described as winds that protected them from harm. Now they are air planes that people use to crash and sacrifice themselves to kill their enemies,
  • Jan 1, 1294

    Kublai Khan Died

    Kublai Khan Died
    Kublai Khan died and power struggles erupted over who would hold the thron. The Yuan dynasty weakened.
  • Jan 1, 1295

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    Marco Polo and his dad got back from a 17 year trip around China. Their adventures were written in a book. It described the grand palace and said that China worked effeciently.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Pax Mongolia

    Pax Mongolia
    The Pax Mongolis was the Mongol Peace period. During that time was the Black Death. The Black Death was also the bonic plague which whiped out many Europeans during this time.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    Mongol Army Defeated

    Mongol Army Defeated
    A rebel army defeated the mongols. The Mongols fled to Manchuria and foreign rule ended in China.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    Ming Dynasty Founded

    Ming Dynasty Founded
    Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the Mongol Army and founded the Ming Dnasty. China's rulers gained control of Korea, Mongolia, and parts of Central and Southeast Asia. Zhu took the name of Hongwu and he worked to rebuild China.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    Great Wall of China

    Great Wall of China
    The Great Wall of China was restored during Ming China to protect themselves from enemies from the north.
  • Jan 1, 1398

    Hongwu Died

    Hongwu Died
    Hongwu died in 1398.
  • Jan 1, 1402

    Yonglo Became Emperor

    Yonglo Became Emperor
    Yonglo, Hongwu's son, becam the emperor and he moved the capital to Beijing. He built a city inside Beijin and high walls surrounded it. It was known as the forbidden city because most people were forbidden for entering it.
  • Jan 1, 1405

    Zheng He's Voyages to Africa

    Zheng He's Voyages to Africa
    Zhen He led seven voyages to Africa and exchanged gifts with foreighn leaders. The sea power was grearing and he had fleets of 300 ships. Fleets of ships were also known as junks.
  • Jan 1, 1433

    Stopped Overseas Voyages

    Stopped Overseas Voyages
    A new emperor stoped overseas voyages because they were too expensive and some thought that China's items should be used for defense.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Moving Ming Towards Isolation

    Moving Ming Towards Isolation
    The move to get Ming China in isolation gained full fore. It heavily restricted trade and they did not want Christian missionaries.
  • Matteo Ricci Arrived

    Matteo Ricci Arrived
    Matteo Ricci, Italian Jesuit priest, arrived from Europe . He learned Chinese customs and rituals and was accepted into Ming court wherer he introduced European ideas.
  • Ming Decline

    Ming Decline
    The Ming Dynasty began to decline because weak rulers took the throne, corruption in creased and rebellions broke out.
  • Manchu

    Manchu took the capital and they formed their own dynasty- Qing Dynasty.
  • Qing Dynasty

    Qing Dynasty
    The Qing dynasty ruled for about 300 years. It was the lasty dynasty to rule Imperial China. It grew in prosperity and it greatly expanded.
  • Manchu Rules

    Manchu Rules
    In the 1650s, the Manchu began inforcing strict rules. Manchu could no longer marry Chinese. Chinese males had to wear their hair in a queue or braid. A queue is type of braid.
  • Kangxi Rule

    Kangxi Rule
    During Kangxi's rule from 1661-1772, he reduced taxes, expanded the empire and supported the arts.
  • Dream of the Red Chamber

    Dream of the Red Chamber
    "Dream of the Red Chamber" was written by Coa Zhan. It is known as China's greatest novel and shows Chinese upper-class family.
  • Qianlong Rule

    Qianlong Rule
    Qianlong ruled from 1736-1796 and expanded the empire to its largest size and the agriculture production greatly rose.
  • 300 million

    300 million
    The population in China hit 300 million people which is the highest it had ever been.
  • Lord George Macartney

    Lord George Macartney
    Lord George Macartney came to China to expand trade and bring Europen traditions to China. The Chinese believed he should be following in their customs and beliefs. They believed he should be kowtoring too which is kneeling to the emperor and touching your forehead to ground nine times. He refused so the Chinese sent him away.
  • Qing Dynasty Fell

    Qing Dynasty Fell
    The Qing Dynasty fell because in the 1800s, they were trying to open up China's closed society which eventually led to war and the Qin Dynasty's down fall.