money evolution

  • 10,000 BCE


    early man exchanges resources and services for the benefit of each party
  • Period: 9000 BCE to


    animals are considered the oldest form of currency with livestock such as camels,sheep, and cows being the mpst commonly used.
  • 3000 BCE

    the shekel

    grain is used as currency in Mesopotamia, using a shekel as a measuremernt of weight.The shekel later evolves into an equivalent to silver,bronze, and copper.
  • 1200 BCE

    shell money

    shell money is first used in China.Societies off the coast of the Pacific and Indian Oceans embrace cowries shells as a popular currency.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 600

    crude metal coins

    coins made from base metals first appear in China. However, the metals are non-precious, making them dificult to use for more expensive purchase.
  • 700 BCE

    precious metal coins

    gold and silver coins are first used in ancient Lydia (modern-day Turkey) and coastal Greek cities. The profiles of gods and emperors are stamped into the metal.
  • 118

    laether money

    1-foot-square pieces of white deerskin are used. This form of leather currem¿ncy could be considered the first documental type of banknote.
  • 806

    paper money

    paper banknotes first appear in China, thoudht the firstwidely accepted paper money doesn´t appear in China until around 960.
  • 1535

    the wampum

    use of wampum-a string of beads made from white clarm shells-is first documented,though it´s very likely that Native Americans had been using the monetary medium for long before .
  • gold

    though it is certainly not the first time the element is part of a payment system.
  • gold-backed U.S. dollar

    the federal reserve systtem is created in the U.S. establishing a central bank a well as gold-backed federal reserve notes.
  • change cards

    department stores, hotel chains, and service stations start providing charge cards to costumers with cars so they don´t have to travel to their hometown bank to get cash.
  • credit cards

    diners club relases it first card. It´s made of cardboard and can be used in more than 20 restaurants in New York City.
  • U.S. dollar

    the United States officially goes off the gold standard.
  • online shopping

    thought the official debut of online shopping is dedated.
  • Period: to

    mobile payments

    M-coommerce is introduced when Coca-cola sets up several wending machines that can accept payment via text message.