
  • The Begining

    The Begining
    In the beginning Bartar was used. Bartar is exchange of resources or service for mutual advantage. This dates back tens of thousands of years.
  • 9000-6000 B.C

    9000-6000 B.C
    Cattle was used as the meduim of exchange in this time period. Cattle weren't only used as the medium of exhange but aslo any other livestock.
  • 1200 BC- Cowrie Shells

    1200 BC- Cowrie Shells
    The first use of cowries, the shells of a mollusc that was widely available in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, was in China.
  • Precious Metals

    Precious Metals
    After Cattle, came the use of precious metals such as gold, silver, copper. Money was valued according to weight and caliber of the metal.
  • Paper Money

    Paper Money
    As the use of precious metals became inconvenient, the use of paper money was intoduced. When they didn't have enough metals they used paper money. This marked the first use of paper money as an exchange.
  • Evolution In Philipines

    Evolution In Philipines
    Money also evolved in the Philippines. Before the Spaniards came, Filipinos made use of the barter ring as a form of payment during transactions.
  • Electronic Money

    Electronic Money
    In Modern times we can store and make money electronical money. Such as : Money stored in banks , and things like Apple Pay.
  • Is Money a Problem

    Is Money a Problem
    Money is adictive for many people. Money is a habbit o many ways and uses. Also there is many ways to overcome adictive ways to money.