Mondern History

  • Period: Apr 16, 1400 to


  • Apr 16, 1492


    Columbus sails to the Americas to find an easier trade route to Asia
  • Apr 16, 1521


    Cortez conquers the Aztecs, they wanted to spread religion to Americas and the Aztecs rejected them therefore they were killed
  • Apr 16, 1543


    Copernicus Presents the Heliocentric Theory, the theory that the sun is in the middle of the solar system and the Earth revolves around the sun
  • 1607

    English settled in Jamestown, the people settled there were looking for religion
  • 1661-1715

    Louis XIV of France begins his reign, he turned France into an absolute monarchy after the death of Cardinal Mazarin’s
  • 1688

    Glorious Revolution in England, William and Mary overthrew King James II (Mary’s father) with the Dutch fleet because he was catholic
  • 1696

    Peter the Great of Russia begins his reign, he was a war fanatic, and he was at war with Sweden and Turkey. He traveled around Europe to study their customs and urbanize Russia
  • 1789-1799

    French Revolution begins, a period of time where radical and political in France because of King Louis XVI and Mary Antoinette they put France into debt. They excommunicate the 3rd estate in everything they did
  • 1789

    the great fear, a wave of senseless panic that spreads through the French country side after the storming of the Bastille in 1789
  • 1789

    tennis court oath after forming the national assembly the king locked the 3rd estate out of their estates-general meeting
  • 1791

    King Louis tries to escape, he was disguised as a steward and him and his family tried to escape to Austria his wife’s home country. He was discovered at the border village of Varennes
  • 1793

    Maximilien Robespierre he was a Jacobin leader, he started the great fear. He killed 40,000 people with the guillotine
  • 1799

    Esates General when the estates general met, each estate solemnly marched into the hall at versaillies
  • 1800

    18th century- the Enlightenment an 18th century European movement in which thinkers attempted to apply the principles of reason and the scientific method to all aspects of society
  • 1804

    Napoleon conquers most of Europe; he took France out of complete destruction and made France a world power. He conquered most of Europe with his great military strategies. He is considered one of the greatest rulers of all time