
Monarch Life Cycle

  • Period: to

    Monarch Butterfly

  • Egg

    The Egg is laed on the milkweed plant.
  • Egg

    The caterpillar develops inside the egg.
  • Caterpillar

    The caterpillar hatches from the egg and begins to grow and eat the leaves of the milkweed.
  • Growing Caterpillar

    Growing Caterpillar
    The stripes on the caterpillar become apparent.
  • Adult stage

    Adult stage
    The caterpillar grows to be full adult size by eatting milkweed and continues to eat.
  • Molting Period

    Molting Period
    The caterpillar molts their skin in preperation for the transformation.
  • Caterpiller forms Chrysalsis

    Caterpiller forms Chrysalsis
    Monarch forming the chrysalsisThe caterpiller moves its body to form a "J" then the chrysalsis is formed.
  • Chrysalsis changes

    Chrysalsis changes
    The chrysalsis becomes more transparent and you begin to be able to see the butterflies wings.
  • Chrysalsis

    The chrysalsis darkens and then becomes completely see through.
  • Butterfly

    The butterfly breaks free from the chrysalsis and emerges as a beautiful butterfly but it has to dry its wings.
  • Butterfly

    The butterfly dries its wing and then ventures out to the bright big world.