Mommyhood-the untold story

  • The fairytale continues

    Dave proposed over the morning announcements. The whole school was in on the moment-couldn't have been any more perfect! If only we had known then...
  • So it begins

    Thanksgiving dinner and it is time for the traditional toasts. Every year my father gives his toast. This year, I wanted to say a few words as it was my first Thanksgiving as a married, we had an exiting announcement. My toast including being grateful for my new family...and that my niece would have a cousing. Sort of shocked everyone at first, but then the cheers and tears. Sweet moment.
  • UGH-I'm in it now!

    Boy oh boy...monring sickness has kicked in with a vengence!! Did not make for very pretty Christmas pictures!
  • He's here!

    Our little guy couldn't wait to see the world! We had a C-section scheduled for the following Tuesday, but Shane just wouldn't wait. My water broke at 5:30 in the morning. Dave's reaction..."Are you sure?" Ummm...I'm sure :)
  • what?

    Dave and my mom both went back to work. What am I supposed to do with this little sack of flour?? He cries every time I put him down!!