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Mommy and Baby development

  • Conception

    Every 28 days your body releases an egg cell, at this time your egg is ready to be fertilized and at the same time your body also perpares the uterus for a fertilized egg.
  • Baby Conception part

    Baby Conception part
    Your baby is pretty much nonexistent as of right now, the sperm has just hit the egg and is now fertilizing.
  • 1 month old fetus

    At 2 weeks your fetus is the size of a pin head, your egg has attached to the lining of the uterus. A heart beat starts to form.
  • Mommy 1 month along

    By this time you have missed your period and some of the other signs of pregnancy may not be noticeable yet.
  • Mommy at 2 months

    Signs become more noticeable now. Your breasts start to swell, you become more tired and also your uterus starts to enlarge, creating you to pee more often!
  • 2 Month old fetus

    2 Month old fetus
    Your fetuses face, eyes, ears, limbs, and also bones start to form.
  • Fetus at 3 months

    All of your baby's organs are made but they are still developing, the tonsils, mouth, lips, teeth buds and also eyelids start to form.
  • Mommy 3 months along

    Your uterus is the size of an orange now. Your breast become firmer and so urination becomes more frequent. Weight gain is expected but not much, only about 2-4 pounds.
  • Mommy at Month 4

    Mommy at Month 4
    Most discomforts like, morning sickness are usually gone. Appetite increases.
  • 4 month old fetus

    4 month old fetus
    Your fetus is about 3 inches now, and is one ounce. The facial features become noticeable.
  • Mommy at 5 months

    Your are showing now, you maybe be so big that your posture is affected.
  • Fetus at 5 months

    Hair starts to show up on the baby's body, organs are maturing, and your baby becomes more active.
  • Mommy at 6 months

    Baby starts to kick and move, 10-12 pound weight gain is expected.
  • Fetus at 6

    Is about 8-12 ounces, fat deposits and the skin starts to wrinkle.
  • Mommy at 7 months

    Mommy at 7 months
    Your back hurts really bad now.
  • Fetus at 7

    Baby is about 2 pounds now, reacts to loud noises.
  • Fetus at 8 months

    Fetus at 8 months
    Weight gain continues rapidly, moves into a head down position.
  • Mommy at Month 8

    Backaches occur, muscle cramps, and fatigue are common. 18-20 pounds have been put on.
  • Fetus at 9 months

    Baby is 5-6 pounds, movements decrease because they have less room to move, desends into pelvis getting ready for birth.
  • Mommy at 9 months

    Mommy at 9 months
    "Lightening" feeling as the baby drops into pelvis, breathing becomes easier and other discomforts may continue. 25-35 pounds of weight have been gained after all 9 months.