Gandhi 2

Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi

  • A Leader Is Born and Early Childhood

    A Leader Is Born and Early Childhood
    Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar with the name Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He had a very luxurious childhood as he was born into a wealthy family.
    India was currently under the rule of Britain when he was born. Gandhi attended a small local school and learned the local language Gujarati. Gandhi's father was the prime minister of Porbandar and his parents aspired Gandhi to become a prime minister like his father.
  • Gandhi Takes a Stand

    Gandhi Takes a Stand
    Gandhi went to South Africa as a legal adviser. On a train voyage, he was beaten up by a white stagecoach driver after refusing to give up his seat for a European passenger. Although he had purchased a first class ticket.
  • Gandhi Leads a Campaign of Civil Disobedience

    Gandhi Leads a Campaign of Civil Disobedience
    Gandhi led a campaign of civil disobedience that would last for the next eight years.
  • The Massacre of Amritsar

    The Massacre of Amritsar
    A crowd of non-violent protesters were fired apon by the British Army
  • Burning of British Cloth

    Burning of British Cloth
    Gandhi and supporters burn their clothes in rebellion of the British made cloths
  • Hunger Strikes

    Hunger Strikes
    Gandhi takes up fasting as a form of protest against the British government. The longest of which was 21 days.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    Gandhi leads a gang of supporters from Ahmedabad to the Arabian Sea coast, a distance of some 240 miles, to create their own salt to avoid British salt taxes.
  • Gandhi Attempts to Solve the Dispute Between Hindus and Muslims

    Gandhi Attempts to Solve the Dispute Between Hindus and Muslims
    After India gained independence in 1947, there was violence between the two largest religions in India. The Hindus and Muslims fought once the country was free from Britain. Gandhi tried to make peace between the two. He had another hunger strike in 1948 to end violence between Hindus and Muslims. A couple weeks after the end of his hunger strike he was walking to the site where he was going to conduct his evening prayers when he was shot by a Hindu extremist who was angry that Gandhi was trying