Unknown 1

Mohandas K. Gandhi Timeline

  • Birth

    October 2, 1869 born in Porbandar, India. Present day Gujarat.
  • Married

    At age of 13, he married with Kasturbai. It was an arranged child marriage which was the custom in the region.
  • Rebellious Adolescent Phase

    Gandhi stole coppers from his servant's pocket money for smoking. He also stole gold from his brother's armlet to clear a debt. He later felt ashamed and confessed to his father who pardoned him.
  • Gandhi's father dies

    The death of Gandhi's father strained the entire family. Gandhi was sent to Bhavnagar, the nearest town with a college, to attend school.
  • Son was born

    Had first child, Harilal. The child only survived a few days.
  • Travels to London to train to be a barrister

    Travels to London to train to be a barrister
    He traveled to London, England to study law at University College London and to train as a barrister.
  • Took Matriculation Exam

    Gandhi took Matriculation examination.
  • Gave first speech

    He gave his first speech at a Vegetarian Society meeting.
  • Gandhi Returns to India from London After Passing the Bar

    He was called to the bar on June 10, 1891 and left London for India on June 12, 1891. When he arrived there, he learned that his mother had died while he was in London. His family had kept the news from him.
  • Began working in High Court as Barrister

    He was given permission to start practice as Barrister and it was announced in Gazette. He then went to Bombay to start practice in the High Court.
  • Expanding knowledge on religion

    While living in Pretoria, Gandhi read about 80 books on religion.
  • Went to Durban to assist in trial

    He sailed to Durban after an invitation of Dada Abdullali and Co. to assist in a legal trial.
  • Stayed in South Africa

    Gandhi chose to stay on South Africa, and founds the Natal Indian Congress.
  • Takes family to South Africa with him

    Takes family to South Africa with him
    Gandhi returns to South Africa with his family.
  • Outbreak of Boer War

    During this time there was an outbreak of Boer War (1899-1901) in South Africa. Gandhi organized an ambulance corps for the British.
  • Arrested

    He was arrested and sentenced to two months in prison.
  • Found Satyagraha ashram

    Gandhi and his followers found Satyagraha ashram. This was the religiously-oriented communal farm where Gandhi, his family, and his followers will lived.
  • Peaceful march

    Peaceful march
    Under Gandhi's leadership, Indians in Natal and Transvaal marched peacefully in protest of a racist poll tax and marriage laws. The march continue through the winter.
  • Focus on improving India

    Gandhi avoided politics, focused his writings on the improvement of India.
  • President of the Indian National Congress

    Gandhi becomes President of the Indian National Congress.
  • Declaration of Independence for India

    Declaration of Independence for India
    He published the Declaration of Independence of India.
  • Returns to India

    Returns to India
    He returned to India.
  • Arrested and fasts

    He arrested for sedition, and held without a trial. While in prison, he protested the treatment of untouchables by fasting.
  • Visits Bombay

    He visited Muhammed Ali Jinnah in Bombay, but is unable to work out an agreement that will keep India whole.
  • India dissolves

    India dissolves into chaos and killings, as Hindus and Muslims flee for the borders of India and Pakistan.
  • Death

    He was assassinated by Nathuram Vinayuk Godse, a Hindu nationalist.