Mohandas K. Gandhi

  • Ghandi's Birth

    Ghandi's Birth
    Mahandis Karamchand Gandhi was born into a middle class Hindu family in Porbandar, Gujart, India.
  • Gandhi Leaves For England

    Gandhi Leaves For England
    Gandhi went to England to study law. He went to the University College London in Camden Town, Greater London UK.
  • Passed Bar

    Passed Bar
    Mohnadas Gandhi passed the bar exam at the University College London as a Barrister. After passing the bar he returned to India for a short time.
  • Gets Thrown Off of a Train

    Gets Thrown Off of a Train
    Gandhi got thrown off of a train in South Africa for sitting in first class. The people said that Gandhi should have to sit in the third class part of the trian since he was not white.
  • Natal India Congress

    Natal India Congress
    Gandhi created the Natal India Congress to look after all of India's intersets. Gandhi felt that this permanent orginaztion was urgently needed after the Indian National Congress in 1893.
  • Gandhi Opens Own Law Office

    Gandhi Opens Own Law Office
    Ganhi opens his own law practice in Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • Satyagraha

    Gandhi introduces his non-violent protest philosophy called stayagraha. He called on his fellow Indians to defy the new laws and suffer the punishments for doing so.
  • Arrested For the First Time

    Arrested For the First Time
    Gandhi was arrested for the first time for breach of the registration law. He was released the next month and beaten up by a compatriot who said he betrayed the Indian cause.
  • Great March

    Great March
    Gandhi held a great march to help gain Indian Rights in South Africa. 2221 men, women, and children participated in the march that started at 6:30 a.m.
  • Peaceful March

    Peaceful March
    Indians in Natal and Transvaal, undder Gandhi's leadership, march peacefully in protest of racist poll tax and marriage laws. The marches continue through the winter.
  • Gandhi and Smuts Agreement

    Gandhi and Smuts Agreement
    Gandhi and Smuts, the Prime Minister of the Transaal, reach angreement, ending the protests.
  • Hero's Welcome To India

    Hero's Welcome To India
    Gandhi was given a hero's welcome when he returned to India. He spoke at conventions of the Indian National Congress but was just introduced to the problems India was facing.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    Gandhi and thousands of followers went on a 24 day march to the sea to gather and make their own salt. They no longer were forced to pay for heavily taxed British Salt.
  • Quit India

    Quit India
    Gandhi and the INC agree to a term of non-cooperation with Britain. This caused the British to arrest more people and use force against the nonviolence.
  • Indian Independence is Official

    Indian Independence is Official
    India's Independece becomes official. The partition splits the country into two completely seperate nations: Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India.
  • Fasting to End Violence

    Fasting to End Violence
    Gandhi announces that he will fast to force Hindus and Muslims to stop all violent attacks on eachother in Delhi.He asked for all Muslims homes be restored to them and that the payment of 550 million rupees be made to Pakistan.
  • Assassination of Gandhi

    Assassination of Gandhi
    Hindu nationalist, Nathuram Vinayuk Godse, assassinated Gandhi while he was on his way to Pakistan. Nathuram Godse believed Ghandi betrayed his own people.