Mohammed Hussein's M2L4 Historical Context Timeline

  • Great Depression Effect

    After the Stock Market Crash, nearly 4 million people are unemployed.
  • Pluto Discovery

    Arizona scientists found out the planet Pluto, which also caused Walt Disney to create a new character Pluto- Mickey Mouse dog
  • Nazi Rise

    The Nazi Party became the second-largest political party in Germany, surpassing the Communist Party.
  • Hoover Dam

    Hoover Dam began construction and was part of a relief program
  • The New Deal

    President Franklin Roosevelt pledge a "new deal" to try and get the US out of the great depression
  • Hilter rise

    Hilter became the leader of Germany and began to rebuild and conquer.
  • Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl swept across the Midwest and cause damage to many farmers' housing, land, and food, causing them to move west to California.
  • Telephone

    The first around the world telephone spaned from New York to San Francisco, Indonesia, Holland, and England.
  • The Hindenburg Disaster

    The Hindenburg crashed and killed 36 people, and the media caught it all live.
  • The Start of World War II

    Hitler Invaded Poland and 2 days later, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany, officially starting World War 2.
  • Auschwitz

    The most famous death camp was opened there 1.1 million Jews were killed
  • the Blitz

    Great Britain was consistently bombed by Germany so that can surrender.
  • Mount Rushmore

    Mount Rushmore was completed after 14 years in construction.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombed the naval base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, causing the US to enter World War 2.
  • Executive Order

    Frank Roosevelt signed an Executive Order making all Japanese Americans leave their homes and go to internment camps.
  • D-Day

    The allies got through the German border and was a key victory in ending World War 2
  • The Atom Bomb

    The United States bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki hoping to end the war, the only time an atom bomb was ever used in war.
  • The end of World War 2

    Germany and Japan both surrendered and signed treaties to end the war.
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, being the first African American to play in the Major league.
  • Mahatma Gandhi assassination

    Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated during a prayer
  • Credit card

    The first credit card was introduced, which changed finical lives.
  • Korean War

    The Korean War starts after the invasion of South Korea
  • Color TV

    The first color TV was programed
  • Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth would take the rule of England after King George IV death
  • Polio Vaccine

    The University of Pittsburgh tested for the polio vaccine and it became successful.
  • Climb Mount Everest

    Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first people to climb to the top of Mount Everest
  • Brown V Board of Education Decision

    After 2 rounds of arguing, The Supreme Court ruled that segregation is illegal
  • Disneyland and Mcdonalds

    Disneyland was opened to the public and Dick and Mac Mcdonald opened their restaurant, Mcdonalds.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis burst into the entertainment scene after debuting on "The Ed Sullivan Show."
  • LEGO

    Arthur K. Melin and Richard Knerr, created LEGOS, however, it would take another five years until the right material for the toy was used.