John D. Rockefeller Formed Standard Oil and Develops Petroleum as a Major Energy Source in the US
Charles Brush in the United States invented the open coil generator that could produce a steady current of electricity
First Electric Plant Built by Thomas Edison
The first hydroelectric station opened in Wisconsin
Hoover Dam is built
Congress passed the Synthetic Liquid Fuels Act authorizing the Bureau of Mines to build energy research laboratories.
The first nuclear power reactor to generate electricity is built in Idaho
The first commercial scale geothermal electric plant in the US is built in California
Federal Surface Mining Control Act is signed to lessen the environmental impact of coal mining
First large scale solar-thermal power plant begins operation in Dagget, California
Exxon Valdez Disaster in Alaska becomes the largest oil spill in US
The United States sponsored a $1 billion, 10-year demonstration project to create the world's first coal-based, zero-emissions electricity and hydrogen power plant
EPA issues new rule to cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Power Plants