The Nullification Crisis
South Carolina threatends to seceed from the U.S. after the passage of a tariff seen as a violation of state's rights. 1828 congress passes a controversial high protective tariff. -
The Abolition Movement
The goal of this was the immediate emancipation of all slaves and the end of racial discrimination and segregation. From the 1830s until 1870, the abolitionist movement attempted to achieve immediate emancipation of all slaves and the ending of racial segregation and discrimination. -
Frederick Douglass and the North Star
Frederick Douglass was born a slave who gives speeches about his life. he is the son of a slave woman and an unknown white man. he got sent to different places to work, untill he planned to escape, which got him sent to jail. two years later he realized his dream. -
The Compromise of 1850
This allows californina into the union as a free state and in return gives the southerners the fugitive slave law, which makes the process of aiding runaways more dificult. -
The Kansas/Nebraska Act and popular sovereignty
created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opening new lands for settlement, and had the effect of repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820 by allowing settlers in those territories to determine through Popular Sovereignty whether they would allow slavery within each territory. -
Bleeding Kansas
This was a series of violent political confrontations involving anti-slavery Free-Staters and pro-slavery elements, that took place in the Kansas Territory. The Bleeding Kansas was a war between Northerners and Southerners over the issue of slavery in the United States. -
The Dred Scott decision
Supreme Court rules that slaves taken to free states and stil the property of their slave owner. the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the territories, and that people of African descent( both slave and non slave) were not protected by the Constitution and were not U.S. citizens. -
The Election of Abraham Lincoln
The Election of Abraham Lincoln leading the south to leave or seceed from the United States. -
South Carolina secession
The Civil War ruined the economy, making it one of the two or three poorest states for the next century. Educational levels were low as public schools were underfunded, especially for African Americans. Most people lived on small farms and grew cotton. The more affluent were landowners, who subdivided the land into farms operated by tenant farmers or sharecroppers, along with land operated by the owner using hired labor. -
Formation of the Confederate States of America
a government set up by a number of Southern slave states that had declared their secession from the United States. The Confederacy recognized as members eleven states that had formally declared secession, two additional states with less formal declarations, and one new territory