First Special Education School
During the 19th century, awareness and insight of special education was being brought to light. Reverend Thomas Gallaudet expressed his interest and concern regarding the treatment and exclusion of students with disabilities. Taking a stance for these individuals, he implemented the first school for the deaf in Hartford, Connecticut. The school was called American Asylum for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, but it is now known as the American School for the Deaf. -
(CEC) Council for Exceptional Children
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) was created by a group of educators and founded by an individual known as Elizabeth E. Farrell. This organization plays an integral role in advocating and providing laws to protect those individuals with disabilities. Their ultimate goal is to enhance the success of children with exceptionalities by progressing special educators' professional development. -
(NARC) National Association for Retarded Children
The National Association for Retarded Children (NARC) was founded by parents/guardians of children with mental disabilities expressing their concerns regarding lack of resources, support, and development opportunities for their child. Individuals with disabilities were isolated, excluded, and institutionalized. This institution was the cause of Public Law (P.L.) 94-142 of 1975 as parents fought for their child's right to an education that took into consideration each individual's needs. -
Brown v. Board of Education
This groundbreaking education case paved the path for individuals with disabilities to attend as well as benefit from public education as the Supreme Court ruled that excluding individuals from schools based on race was unconstitutional. This was the 1st time the Federal Government spoke on behalf of student inequality and prejudice actions taking place on school grounds.This led to the conclusion that all people regardless of race, gender, or disability have a right to a public education. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act allotted schools federal funding for public education. This federal funding was specifically for students with disadvantages and disabilities. In the case that the school did not abide by the rules and integrate, their funds would be cut off.
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Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was the FIRST law in the United States that promised and granted civil rights to all disabled individuals. Under this law, discrimination is prohibited against individuals with disabilities. This act also outlined the requirement that schools have to provide accommodations for disabled students.
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(EHA) Education for All Handicapped Children Act
P.L. (Public Law) 94-142 is referred to as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) and was legislated by President Gerald Ford. The EHA ascertains all children, regardless of disability, a right to public education. People with disabilities are guaranteed to have a free and appropriate education (that is, in a least restrictive environment), an Individualized Education Plan, and a fair due process. -
(ADA) Americans with Disabilities Act
The ADA was enacted by President George w. Bush and it assures that exceptional students will have the same privileges and treatments as other individuals. With this being said, individuals who have special needs are not to be treated different in the workforce, schools, or public places. They can't be denied a job because of their disability.
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(IDEA) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IDEA acknowledges and reinforces FAPE for kids with disabilities. Children with all types of disabilities should have the right to receive proper education, medical assistance and services, and employment opportunities. Some components of IDEA are: Parental Participation, Confidentiality, LRE/Inclusive Classroom Integration, IEP, and Manifestation.
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(NCLB) No Child Left Behind Act
This law is highly enforced in K-12 GenEd settings as the goal of NCLB is to provide equal educational opportunities for exceptional students. NCLB holds the same educational standards for all students as every student is assessed annually and their academic progress is recorded. Now, if the student has a disability as well as an IEP, accommodations are to be offered. The implementation of the NCLB Act has significantly increased graduation rates for individuals with learning disabilities.