Module 1: History of Special Education and Inclusive Education

  • United Way of Broward County

    United Way of Broward County
    This is a local organization here in Broward that has worked tirelessly for 80 years to ensure we have health, education, and financial stability for years to come. They pride themselves on diversity and inclusion to ensure a better tomorrow. Here is their link:
  • Brown vs Board of Eductaion

    Brown vs Board of Eductaion
    This case was a fundamental mark in the United States education system because it prevented the segregation of black and white students. From this point forward it was ruled that even if these "black schools" had equal funding the segregation violated the "Equal Protection Clause." This new federal ruling made these schools unconstitutional.
  • Arc Broward

    Arc Broward
    The overall goal of this organization is to help these children develop to their full potential. They have been able to provide this life-changing resource to over 1200 children so far. The website link is:
  • Rehabilitation Act Section 504

    Rehabilitation Act Section 504
    This law does not allow for unlawful discrimination toward those with disabilities. This allows for physical or mental disabilities to be protected as students and adults. State and local authorities manage this.
  • P.L. 94-142: The Education For All Handicapped Children Act

    P.L. 94-142: The Education For All Handicapped Children Act
    After racial segregation, came the law that all children with disabilities have the right to a free and appropriate education. This requires all fifty states to provide programs for disabled children from birth to three years old. The six pillars include; Individualized education programs, free appropriate public education, least restrictive environment, appropriate evaluation, procedural safeguards, and parent and teach participation.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    This is a part of America's education laws that ensure students with disabilities are provided with free appropriate education that is tailored to their needs. It was enacted by the 101st United States Congress. This is offered throughout the nation.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This act requires students' academic standards and an assessment system to ensure students are on par with their academics. These tests assess math, reading, and writing. The goal was to make public schools great in reading and math.
  • Assistive Technology Act

    Assistive Technology Act
    The AT Act allows individuals with disabilities to participate in all aspects of business, education, employment, health coverage, and access to government services. Individuals need to be able to select, obtain, and use these technologies. Some examples may be audio alternatives or wheelchair accessibility.
  • UNICEF- Inclusive Education and Children with Disabilities

    UNICEF- Inclusive Education and Children with Disabilities
    Not only here in the United States, all across the world children with disabilities often miss out on the same learning opportunities as their peers. UNICEF works to build a better tomorrow by offering funding and volunteers to help close the gap for these children. This is the link:
  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
    With children with disabilities given the same opportunities as the general population, this act is to provide equal opportunities to all. This law proceeds the No Child Left Behind Act and is aimed toward K-12 grade students. The four pillars pertain to; higher order thinking skills, measures of equity, resource equity, and evidence-based intervention.